Chapter Forty Three

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Aesira leaned forward to rest her elbows on the padding of Sakaris' saddle as she watched Rhaena signal for them to hold.

She reached out to gently pat the she-dragon, trying to steady the beast as Aesira's eyes remained fixed on Rhaena. They waited and waited, and then Rhaenyra flew overhead on the back of her dragon, Syrax.

Syrax, though not quite as golden as Sunfyre, was a warm shade of yellow with bright green eyes. Rhaenyra's she-dragon exhibited a dazzling display of yellow scales that radiated in the sunset's illumination. The scales appeared to be crafted from the lesser quality of gold, and yet still capable of displaying a shimmering effect that altered its hue with movement, conferring an ethereal grace to the dragon's appearance.

From their vantage point atop the curtain wall, Aesira and the other riders had a clear view of the stone path to the Dragonstone Castle. The castle's walls were tall and imposing, built to withstand any kind of attack. The walls were adorned with crenellations, which provided cover for archers, and the towers were equipped with ballistae and trebuchets. The battlements were also manned by guards, who kept watch over the surrounding waters, ready to defend the castle at a moment's notice.

It wasn't until Rhaenyra climbed off Syrax's back that Rhaena gave the signal. Vermax, Arrax, Moondancer, Tyraxes, and Sakaris moved into view, holding their positions on the wall as Caraxes slithered down the battlements to perch behind Daemond and his group of rallied men.

As they perched on the curtain wall, Aesira and the other riders were on full display. It was a strategic position that would give them an advantage in any potential battle. 

Aesira strained her neck to observe the envoys from King's Landing. She knew that these envoys were not in any real danger, the dragon display was one of power and strength, a tactic to intimidate the envoys and remind them of the fearsome dragons that called Dragonstone their home. Daemon had wanted to assert his dominance, more so than his own intimidating stance could.

Aesira watched from her vantage point as Lord Otto and his company of knights parted on the stone path bridge to allow the Queen to pass through them. None of them would dare harm her. Their sigil of a three-headed green dragon seemed to unnerve Aesira the most. It was the sigil of House Targaryen and painting it green, in honour of their Hightower blood, felt akin to sacrilege.

"Your Highness," Lord Otto chose his words, lowering Rhaenyra to her former title despite the golden crown atop her head. "King Aegon Targaryen, the Second of his Name, in his wisdom and desire for peace, is offering terms."

"I am Queen Rhaenyra now, the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms." Rhaenyra corrected him, her voice firm and steady, emphasizing the gravity of her words. "You may address me as 'Your Grace'."

Lord Otto blinked slowly then said, ignoring her correction, "King Aegon is offering terms for your recognition of his rule and your oath of fealty to the Iron Throne." 

Rhaenyra's expression hardened as she fixed him with a steely gaze, "You and your knights are all traitors to the Realm," she said, her voice dripping with contempt. "My half-brother, the pretender, has usurped my throne, Otto. And you aided in it." 

Rhaenyra's stance was clear and unyielding, she would not bend the knee to the usurper King Aegon and would fight for her claim to the Iron Throne. The Queen was ready to defend her kingdom.

Lord Otto, attempting to reason with Rhaenyra, spoke with a measured tone, "I understand your reluctance, Your Highness, but King Aegon's offer is a fair one. In exchange for your recognition of his rule, he will confirm your possession of Dragonstone, which will pass to your trueborn son Jacerys upon your death. Lucerys will be confirmed as the legitimate Heir to Driftmark and all the lands and holdings of House Velaryon, ensuring the continuity and prosperity of your house. Furthermore, Your sons by Prince Daemon will also be given places of high honor at court: Aegon the Younger as the King's squire and Viserys as his cupbearer. This will guarantee them a future and a place of influence in the court. Finally, the King, in his good grace, will pardon any knight or lord who conspired against his ascent, putting an end to any potential conflict or unrest. This offer is one that will ensure peace and stability for the realm."

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