Chapter 17

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What do you think of Nick and Mia's almost kiss?


Stay Inspired xxxxx

Chapter 17

Mia POV:

I spent all last night wondering what happened to Nick in the car. Even through the normal routine evening with Aunt Lisa my mind was else where. I just didn't understand. 

The more i thought about his presences and how it made me feel yesterday, the more i surprised myself.

Yesterday was just bliss. Everything suddenly didn't feel like such a burden all the time. I even settled for simply carrying my mothers angel pendant in my bag and i am okay with that; Nick made that possible. He made me see that some things are not as bad as they appear. Thats why i couldn't understand what went wrong.

Fourth period in school was english but by the time it started, I couldn't concentrate, on the class work, or i couldn't answer properly when someone called my name.

I was fixated on Nick; i watched as he spoke, to the whole class, with closed body language, and distracted eyes; not once did he look my way though.

'So can anyone tell me why Catherina became distant from Adam just like that?' Nick scanned the room for any possible hands up and as no one had theres up, i put mine up only for him to look over me and request others; 'Any one else? C'mon guys really think!' he was trying his best to avoid looking at me.

A tall slim Chinese girl put her hand up to answer and Nick picked her almost immediately: 'Ellen, what do you think?' Ellen looked around the room before she spoke; 'Honestly sir, i think Catherina just didn't want any drama, especially as she was now going to be the new Queen of Creon regardless if she loved Adam or not thats why she became distant.' Nick nodded in understanding but spoke; 'Okay fair point Ellen, but guys do you think Catherina is being courageous and selfless in giving what her and Adam have up?' Ellen shrugged and the rest of the class lacked in paying attention so before i knew what i was doing i spoke out of turn; out loud.

'I think she's selfish in a way because, they both know they have something special between them but Catherina decides to deny it.' Nick was surprised at my boldness to answer, i could tell. For the first time that lesson he looked directly at me, as if to look into my soul. The class went quiet as i saw Nick's face change as if he was contemplating whether to even reply me. 

'Okay fair point but don't you think Catherina also didn't want to get them both into trouble with the kings man and authorities, regardless of the 'something special' between them.' Nick responded; it bugged me the way he so loosely gestured hand quotations as he said something special  almost as if he was mocking what they shared. I oddly took it personally...

'Yes, i'm sure she was thinking about the trouble it could cause, but she should trust her instincts and know that what she has with Adam is something big. Something that could become beautiful but she throws it away and excuses it for simply protecting her 'title. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with them being together, it is almost...'. I was almost arguing, with a heightened tone but i stopped once i noticed the confused expressions of the class, including Tina who gave me a weird look as if to say 'It's just a dumb book, let it go' .

Nick just glared at me, deeply as did i to him; like noone else in the classroom existed. It was just me and him. I couldn't tell if he was angry, annoyed or even impressed but before i could figure it out the end of lesson bell rung and we snapped back into attention as the class rapidly started packing their stationary up; and Nick returned to his desk, still looking at me.

I wasn't to sure what had just happened there, but i was sure that i felt anger towards Nick. He knew exactly what i was getting at. He knew what i meant. He knew.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed towards the door to catch up with Tina. 'Mia..' I was stopped in my tracks as Nick whispered my name with my back to him. I slowly turned around with a blank look; 'Yes, Mr Harrison' i said bluntly. His eyes softened and he stepped forward and i braced myself for his words thinking he was going to explain himself but i was disappointed as he cleared his throat and simply said; 'Don't forget our tutoring session after school today, Mia.' I stood there in disbelief; is that all? I remained there a little longer expecting him to continue, 'Now run along to lunch, thats all. Go on'  Nick said boldly and reached his cloth to clean his white board, then waved his arm as if to shoo me out. I quietly gasped and turned to leave only to immediately walk straight into Mrs Parry, the head teacher who i assumed just walked in.

'Sorry Mrs Parry' i looked down. 'Thats quite alright, Mia Williams. I hope you've really settled into Whitewall over the last couple of weeks, i've been hearing some great comments on your academic progress from your teachers. And i trust our head of english, Mr Harrison here has helped alot' Mrs Parry smiled. She had no idea, i thought to myself. I just nodded as she told me to run along as she needed to discuss english exam papers with Nick. 

I suddenly felt very sorry for Adam and Catherina.

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