Chapter 24

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Hello everyone. Old fans and new. I owe you an apology for abandoning this story, these characters and you readers. I started this story about 2-3 years ago because at the time I needed an outlet and writing this story was exactly that for me and I guess I just want to say I'm back! I owe it to Nick and Mia to finish their story! I just hope you're still willing to read it...

Mia's POV:

'June 19th. Last year.. My mother she.. she committed suicide' I whispered through trembling lips. Nick opened his  mouth a little, 'She died.. she left me with Him.' A tear escaped from my eye and raced down my cheek.

'I'm so sorry, Mia. I truly am' Nick's voice was filled with compassion as I continued to unravel my story. 'After she was gone, he would just...' I was beginning to hyperventalating just at the thought,  'the punches, the kicks, the blows, how i would beg him to stop, scream for him to stop.... but he would just go on and on.. I couldn't understand..'

'Your father...?' Nick tried to hide his gritted teeth, I could tell my words were igniting a deep anger within him. Words that depicted the sheer violence against me by my own father. It was hurting Nick, I could see it.

'Yes, my father. You see,' I was still shaking as I spoke, 'My parents, their love was poison. He'd beat her too when she was...alive. But she'd never leave him... Not for my sake, not for hers. And eventually it, killed her. She took her life, before he did...' 

'My gosh...' Nick began to breath deeper and shake his head, in disbelief perhaps. I wasn't entirely sure. 'Ohhh, Mia.. He did this to you?' He gestured to my darkened bruises and scar, and I just nodded with blank eyes. 

Before my mother died, never had i felt do desolate or alone. But now i wasn't alone. Nick was there. He held me in his arms. I was shaking but he held me to him. Tightly. Protectively. Unable to speak anymore. I just clung to him, pressing my face into his shoulder. 'Look at me, MIA look at me! I'm not gonna let anyone, anyone! Hurt you anymore. I promise you that.' I could see in his eyes, he was being direct and truthful. I held his promise to my heart, as he kissed my right palm and pulling me in tigher.

It was at this very moment, I knew I must have felt love. Even if just an inkling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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