Chapter 6

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Hey Guys! Another chapter for you here! Hope you enjoy! In this chapter you get to know Tina abit more :)


'Through my words....... you know it ;P


Chapter 6:

Mia's POV:

All morning, i went in and out of various classes, tagging along with Tina, as she introduced me to different people, in which i just gave a small wave or quiet hello, as Tina did all the talking. I suppose i didn't mind, as at least i wasn't alone in this place, left to get lost in my bitter thoughts.

That usually happened to me.

By the time lunch arrived, there were a small crowd of students, around the table, i was seated at. They all seemed to want to question me. One asked what school did i go previously? I managed to reply, naming my old school freely, as i assumed they probably wouldn't know, as it wasn't in Kent.

'I've heard of that school, i think! Isn't it a private school, in Central London!' a short tanned girl called out, making the others demand to know what private schooling in London was like. I just shrugged and gave Tina a suggestive look. Its funny how she knew exactly what i meant, because soon after she was telling the mini gathering around us, to please go away.

'Thanks Tina. I cant handle a lot of people all of sudden interested in me' i looked from side to side, and slouched.

'No problem. They tend to get a bit excited when someone new joins the school, you know.' she laughed, and continued with a story of when she first came in year 8, most of the boys followed her around for like a month, and that in that period, she had three boyfriends; it was actually four but she claims she doesn't count the last one, as it was an unfortunate dare, and that the boy was a short chubby year 11, with year round ankle swingers!

For the first time in ages, i genuinely laughed. I decided i liked being around Tina, as her confidence and her outspoken way, was the exact opposite to my characteristics, but that's why i liked her.

I spent the rest of the day, listening to whatever crazy thought or funny story Tina had to say, until the final bell went and an expected stampede of kids, all diverse in age, proceeded out of the school gates. A group of boys, were openly beating up another lad who i considered, couldn't be much younger than me, and as i looked more closely i discovered the leader of the pack, was Damien; fist clenched and barking at the weak lad, as though he demanded something.

I gasped at the violent situation, being totally ignored by virtually the rest of the student body, but carried on walking anyway. 'So liked your first day at this dump, Mia?' she carried on even before i could answer, 'I suppose its different from your London school but least you got me' she grinned and linked her arm with mine. I gave her a small smile, and told her i should be getting home, as it had been a long day. With a wave goodbye to Tina, i set off back to Aunt Lisa's and was in the house, my room and changed within 30minutes. The house was silent, and lifeless, but without calling out, i knew Aunt Lisa wasn't home yet. I settled for making a plain ham sandwich and a glass of juice before trailing to my to my room, to make a start on my homework.

I emptied the contents of my bag, in search of a pen, i saw the glint of my silver home keys, attached was a key ring holding the only picture of my mother, i had. I picked the keyring and held it to my chest, to my heart.

The picture was old and past but you could still see the dark brown braids, that fell to my mothers small shoulders, her chocolate eyes to match and her perfect toothy smile.

She was my definition of natural African beauty.

Occupied with sweet thoughts of my mother, i didn't feel like doing homework any more, but instead crawled into my bed, with the keyring safe in my hands, as i slowly fell asleep.

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