Chapter 18

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Hey Guys! Gosh, its been soooooooooo long! But i hope you enjoy the next chapter! :)


Stay Inspired xxxxxx

Chapter 18:

Mia's POV:

'Party tonight! Everyones gonna be there including 6th formers! Jake's house and we're invited! You down?' Tina squealed with excitement, as she playfully tugged at my loose plait.

I thought about what she said and immediately make a facial expression Tina knew all to well: 'Oh c'mon Mia! It will be so much fun! All the boys! Pleaseeee come!' she made a baby face and softened her eyes 'Pretty please, Mia! Casey said we can dress at hers! Denise too! It will be great! C'mon!' i could tell she was trying her best to persuade me.

I thought of Nick. I thought of the tutoring sessioms we have today after school, i would have to miss. Regardless of how he just brushed me off  in front of Mrs Parry, i didn't want to just leave Nick waiting for me; But i could see it in Tina's eyes: she really wanted me to go with her so i reluctantly agreed for her sake.

It wasn't an issue getting Aunt Lisa to grant permission for me to stay at Tina's tonight and attend the party because deep down we both knew i didn't need her permission but it was out of my respect for her i asked all the same. She was just pleased that not only had i made mates but that i was informing her of my whereabouts always, i guess it made her feel apart because all in all i barely talk to her. I appreciated^Aunt Lisa for not pushing me to be so open. Baby steps, i guess.

We arrived at Casey's house, and seemed like in a matter of mintues her room had been transformed into a mini beauty salon: make-up everywhere, multiple hair straightners plugged in, and party outfits stashed on the bed. Casey didn't seem to mind at all that her once clean room had been disarranged by four teen party goers.

'Should i wear the sparkly purple dress or the vest top and bodycon skirt? I just can't decide' Tina asked, as she smeared her light lipstick on her perked lips. 'The purple dress, definitely! Not too much flesh on show but still sexy' Denise answered.

Denise was Casey's best friend: tall black curvy girl with dark curly hair down to her wide back: similar to my hair minus the long length. Denise was what i called a good example of an african growing teenager; her features emphasised this. Her chocolate skin,  her dark malteaser like eyes hidden under long dramatic lashes and her slightly wider nose all completed her face beautifully. She reminded me of my mother.

'So Tina, who do you wanna snog tonight?' Casey eagerly asked, as she put her heels on.

Tina laughed, 'Probably Nathan in Sixthform: he's SO hot! Ahh' we all laughed at this. It had been a long time since i'd had the opportunity to just be a normal teenage girl hanging out with friends, talking about the usual. Back in London, i always had to be the grown up.

'What about you Mia? Anyone you fancy yet at Whitewall? I know your London boys must be hotter but i'm sure you've had your eye on a few here..' Denise smiled and lightly nudged me to speak. I thought about Nick for a moment. But in the context Denise was asking i couldn't really use the loose immature term of 'fancy' for what i felt towards Nick. And plus techinically he wasn't a 'boy' at Whitewall. I wasn't obliged to tell these girls. Instead i smiled sweetly and shrugged. Casey gasped 'There is someone! I can tell!' her face lit up as if she had discovered fire all over again or something. 'C'mon spill! Tell us!' Tina joined in. I looked at all three of their hopeful faces but just shrugged nervously again. 'I get it, you wanna keep it secret till the times right! Totally understandable. Wouldn't wanna jinx it, i'm sure.' Denise spoke, as she did the finishing touches to her make- up.

Tina looked annoyed at my silence: 'Just tell us!' I quickly said: 'Wouldn't wanna jinx it! Sorry girlies' i giggled, to keep this conversation light and all in good fun but Tina saw right through it: ' Okay, okay I promise if he's at the party, i'll point him out to you, yeah girlies?' i looked at Tina respose specifically: 'Okay! Cool! Thats better! Okay now lets get going, we are almost an hour late' Tina said, as she trailed out of the room, her heels clacking on the wooden landing floor. The other girls followed suit, and i was the last to leave the room thinking: they aren't going to see the 'boy' i 'fancy' tonight at the party. I'm sure.

The party was as expected: a small house packed with eager, hormonal and some tipsy teenagers. The light were obviously off, and the single phone lights being waved were like torches in a dark night. Dubstep music blared through the huge speakers just about the mantle place of this assumed living room. The walls were ridden with vibration from the overwelming sound. I could just about make out a family potrait hanging loosely on the far wall: a right four member surburban family smiling and all. Nobody noticed when the picture inevitably fell to the carpeted floor. I suddenly felt a bit sorry for the parents who would have to come back to the trashed house tomorrow. But in the spirit of partying i put that aside and followed Tina to the dance floor: tonight i just wanted to have fun regardless if i wanted to come here tonight or not. I was here now and i was gonna make the most of it: forgetting everthing.

We danced and fist pumped within the mass of moving bodys on the dance floor. I can admit i was enjoying myself for once: Tina getting down, Denise shaking her hips, and Casey with her arms up. We were loving it.

'Anyone want a drink? i yelled above the music. 'What? I didn't hear...' Casey shouted too. I repeated it but her confused facial expression and squinted eyes proved she once again didn't hear me. None of them did i assumed so i went anyway heading towards the much quieter kitchen in search of a drink for my dry throat. The kitchen was clouded with smoke: weed, i thought. The stench hung comfortably in the air. The few guys in the kitchen, were the smokers i guess, all staring as i came in. It wasn't long before i realised one of them was Damien.

I pretended as if i hadn't seen him and continued to the fridge. From the corner of my eye, i could see Damien order his boys out of the room as he staggered towards me. 'Mia, Mia baby..' he blinked rapidly and continued to take swings of his beer. I ignored him and rolled my eyes. 'Mia, babes you look so freaking hot right now... Youuuu' he began slurring his words as i barged him out of the way: 'What do you want, Damien?' ' You.. A snog.. Now' he staggered back but used the counter to steady himself. 'Not gonna happen. Ever.' i pouted my lips in rudeness and headed towards the door only for Damien to block me and jerk his head forward, attempting to kiss me but only managed to force his tongue onto my mouth, almost licking me like the dog he is. I gasped, and my reflexes kicked in as i kneed him in between his legs.

I wiped my mouth and gave Damien on the floor, an incredulous look. I couldn't believe this immature unnerved fool. He groaned on the floor, almost in pleasure and not pain. I was disgusted, as i grabbed the new found vodka bottle on the other counter, as i ran out. I was desperatlely looking for Tina throught the blacked out room of clashing sweaty bodys. I suddenly didn't appreaciate the atmosphere, like i did when we first got here. I felt dirty and out of place suddenly. It was like i morhped back into me again: the music was too loud, the sexual activities that were occuring in each corner of the room suddenly disgusted me, and the overwelming smell of weed and drink caused my eyes to water. Even the revealing dress Tina had coasted me into wearing all of a sudden felt trampy and slutty. I just wanted to leave. Now.

But i was meant to be staying at Tina's, meaning i couldn't leave without her. I took my first swing of the clear vodka bottle, in totally contradiction to my opinion of alchol. I winced at the dry raw burning taste of it. But right now, somehow i just needed it. I felt a twinge of hope when i found Casey at the back of the room, snogging the face off a a guy in our year. A called out to her, only to be ignored. I sighed. Tina and Denise were no where to be found and i couldn't wait around any longer in this mess of a party: i had to leave i thought: swinging the vodka again.

By the time, i managed to get to the house entrance, after being barged and pushed around by the boshing and dancing: i had drunk most of the bottle. Most of it was all over my dress, after the shoving but i didn't care. 

Stumbling, i began down the road only to suprisingly hear my name shouted, turning back i saw a tipsy Tina waving her arms at me and giggling uncontrollably. Still swingingfrom the vodka bottle, without thinking i reluctantly headed back in her direction.

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