Chapter 2

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What do you think about Nick, eh? Well heres the next chapter, guys!

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'Through my words be inspired'


Chapter 2

Nick POV:

'No problem, Mia.'

I watched as she, walked slowly towards the door, bending down to search for a spare key. I asumme she found it, as she unlocked the door, then glanced my way before shutting it behind her.

I sat there a moment too long, just thinking: what made me help Mia today? It had been ages, since i helped someone for a pure reason. Not just because im getting paid, or because i get something in return. I generally wanted to help her. Mmm, i was shocked at my new found behaviour, as i pulled out of this driveway and made my way home. I sighed at the 'plans' i had for this evening, the same routine over and over; pointless tv shows, marking my students coursework, microwave dinners for one and an asleep by 9pm. I scoffed at the incredibly sad predictable man, i'd become.

But then a frowned dominated my lips, as i realised why i am, this way.

A single tear ran down my check and i rapidly wiped it, cursing to himself. No matter how hard i tried, i couldnt conquer the overwelming guilt, that punished me emotionally everyday. I took a deep breath, and tried hard to keep my mind blank.

Mia's POV:

I lay there, on my bed, in my soaking clothes, stuck to my numb skin and just glared at the uninteresting celing above. I know i should change into some fresh clothes, or else i'd catch a cold or something, but instead, i just lay there.

Mintues past until i heard a faint knock at the door, and gently it opened.

' Hey, Mia. I hope you got my note that i left on... Why are you so wet?!' she questioned me. I quietly muttered 'rain' as i headed to the bathroom.

'So what did you do all day, Mia?' she tried her best to sound geniunly intrigued about my day, as she called out for me to hear in the bathroom.

I debated whether i should tell her about the forceful rain and Nick incident, but concluded i should keep my answer; short and sweet.

'Not much really. Thanks for the money, by the way' i replied, as i stripped off my soggy clothes.

'Ohh no problem, anytime you need any money, or something, and theres none left in that jar, just ask. Oh and dinners ready in 10mins' and at that i heard the door shut and i climbed into the shower, letting the warm peaceful water wash over my frail body as, i lowered my eyes, to inspect it.

My shoulders were turned in, my breasts were round and swollen, i noticed my toes seemed to constantly be curled in. I massaged the fist sized bruise on my stomach and fingered the long scar on my back. I shuddered at the texture and the unthinkable memories that was attached to it. I couldnt sob, nor weep or wail. I believed i lost the ability to cry. On that faithful day.

I simply sighed, and stepped out of the shower, to find a clean towel. Again, i was dressed, in jogging bottoms and a top, in a matter of mintues. I trailed downstairs, to find chicken and potatoes, scattered on a small dish. Aunt Lisa sat across my pre-set place in silence, on her circular wooden table, that had faint etching into the wood. The etchings resembled proper words. I assumed she used this table also as a desk. The food wasnt much and looked dry but i didnt care. I hadnt eaten since yesterday lunchtime. I greedily finished the plates contents, when Aunt Lisa surprisingly spoke, 'So Mia, i got you into the local secondary school around here. Its nothing like the private schooling your used to, but its not too shabby, i guess. You start on monday, when the new terms begins, so considering tomorrow is saturday, i thought we could go into town, to get you a few stationary stuff or whatever. If you want to' she managed a half smile, then filled her mouth with a spoon of potatoes.

'Yeahh..erm i guess that would be.. Fine.' i muttered, as i stood up to take my empty plate to the kitchen.

'Oh dont worry about the dishes, Mia.' Aunt Lisa spoke.

I didnt know what gave her the impression, i intended to wash the dishes anyway, the plan was to leave my plate and retreat to my room. I did exactly this.

I decided to unpack, seeing as though i was going to be here for a while. I didnt actually have alotta things with me, just whatever i could grab, that day. This included a couple of t-shirts, one or two pairs of jeans, a handful of underwear, and my trusty pair of converses, officially soaked by todays weather. And the gold necklace my mother gave me.

These things were all i had left.

Once i was satisfied with the arrangment of my new room, i lay back on my bed, staring at this painting again, waiting patiently for sleep to take over me.

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