Chapter 22

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Hey Guys! :) :) sooooo what do you think about the last chapter?? Damien nearly raping Mia? :O

Stay Inspired! :)


Chapter 22:

Nick POV:

To see Mia, sprawled out practically naked on my desk like that, woke up an irrational and violent streak in me. No questions asked, i sprung into action, when i saw Damien forcing himself onto her. I dived at Damien, fist raised and punched him right in his mouth and watched as he flew into the students chairs. If it wasn't for the vulnerable sight of Mia just laying there, i would have beaten Damien into the pint sized piece of crap, he is. Student or not.

I unclenched my jaw and made my way to Mia. I scooped her up in my arms and held her to my chest, before setting her down on a chair, helping her arrange the clothes, she still had on. She seemed to be hyperventilating, as i pushed her tangled hair off her face, and pecked her lips, to help calm her.

'Everything is gonna be okay, Mia.' i told her. Both panting, i could see she was desperately searching my eyes, for reassurance. Eyes darting from side to side, then she suddenly looked past me, and her breathing got faster.

'Well, what... Do.. We have here, eh? Harrison shagging a student!!' i heard from behind me. I slowly turned to see Damien  regained his balance and spat blood, staining his teeth wine red.

'So you really are a slag! Even getting off with the teachers. You dirty slut. Just wait to the whole school hears about your dirty little secret Harrison, by tomorrow. You'll be finished at Whitewall. Both of you. You can bet on that' he said through gritted teeth, as i lunged forward, not hesitating to finish what i started on Damien, only to be held back by Mia. From behind she wrapped her arms across my chest and waist, i could tell she was using the little strength she had left to restrict me.

'He's not worth it, Nick' she whispers, andi sensed the utter need in her tone as i relaxed my fist and reluctanly allowed Damien to leave the room.

'We should call the police immediately'  I spoke revenge, searching for my phone but Mia was quick to protest. 'No, please don't. Just don't Nick.' Her lips were trembling a she spoke softly. 'Mia, he tried to rape you for crying out loud! We have to report this, punks like him cant be going around..' I was fired up but Mia simply held my hand and looked up at me with those undeniable eyes. I melted.

'I know, Nick but please right now just hold me...please' She didnt have to ask twice; i knelt beside her and reached up my hands to embrace her. Her body was shaking, i held her tighter. 

'Mia, let me take you home.' I whispered. She quietly responded, 'I would but Aunt Lisa isn't home till late on fridays, you know that. I don't want to be alone.'

I know. I meant my home. I don't want to leave you just yet.' I pulled her away slowly to face to face me as i said 'Let me be here for you, Mia'  She nodded, and held my hand as i helped her up.




Writers note:

Well for the next chapter i really want to show the developing,sweet and complicated love and relationship of Mia and Nick but as a mature writer i think that requires me to add a little description of their physical element too! Dont get me wrong not too explicit but just enough to really emphasise their bond and love. Please COMMENT your opinion!! Thanks loveys xxxxxx

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