Chapter 3

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'Through My Words Be Inspired'


Chapter 3:

Nicks POV:

Monday morning arrived and i continuously sighed and grunted all the way to work.

I was greeted by the same few students, as i walked through the school gates. The familiar 'Morning Sir' and 'Alright, Harrison' rung in my ears, as i made my way to my classroom, only to find a note on my desk. The note informed me of the arrival of a new student. I was vaguely interesting in yet another pupil, just adding to the numerous others I've got, i thought.

My thoughts were interrupted, as the loud bell rang, signaling a stampede of kids to hurriedly come through the class door. Filling their assigned seats and chatting away, about who went on X factor last week, or Paramore's new song or who did Ashley in year 10 get off with?

I took a deep breath and boldly suggested that everyone should stay quiet and bring out the books. I began writing on the whiteboard behind me, when there was a gentle tap on the door and Mrs Parry the head teacher, waltz in, with a bright expression.

'Morning Mr Harrison, your new student has arrived' she announced and out from behind her, came a girl. She had brown curly locks, which fell beside her heart shaped face and round cheeks.

Eyes. Eyes that were piercing azure blue, a total contrast to her honey- like skin.

It was Mia.

' Mr Harrison? Sir?...' Mrs Parry said softly, looking directly at me.

I regained my focus, cleared my throat and began to speak, 'Erm, sorry Mrs. Parry, yes i got your note, a new student, you say?'

Mia's POV:

The chances of my random rescuer from the other day, being my new English teacher, only emphasized the old saying 'its a small world'.

I kept my eyes to the floor, trying hard to avoid direct eye contact, as i twiddled with my necklace.

'Yes, This is Mia Williams, she'll be joining us this term. So assign someone to show her around, extra tutoring from would also be suitable so she can catch up on coursework, i have already informed her other subject teachers.' Mrs Parry spoke, before turning to me and said 'I'm sure you'll settle just fine, here at Whitewall school' and with that she left the room. I stood there, as i slowly raised my head to meet Nick's gaze, which was soon interrupted when the class' volume rapidly increased.

'Take a seat, Mia' Nick gestured to a seat in the far back corner, then threatened the class with a half hour detention, if they didn't quieten down immediately.

I sat down and slowly brought out, a pen and ruler from the selection, Aunt Lisa bought me. I took a deep breath, and lowered my head, as i could feel numerous sets of eyes focused on me. I was nervous and it was showing.

'Right, everyone face the front. And turn to page 45 of our book. Casey, would you please get Mia, a copy from the back and a new exercise book. Thank you' Nick managed a small smile, turned back to sit at his desk, and began reading. A fresh A4 sized purple book was placed in front of me, along with a paper back copy of my all time favourite book: 'Sleepless Nights'.

Maybe this class isn't going to be so bad after all, i thought as a small screwed up, piece of paper lightly hit my ear, and landed on the floor. I darted my eyes around the room, seeking the thrower, and an eager looking lad, caught my eye.

The boy had jet black hair and eyes, a dull grey. He had a small ring piercing on his left eyebrow and his nose bridge had an ever so slight hump. I retrieved the paper and opened it, and stared blankly at the words: 'I think your hot, new girl. Meet me after class ;)'

I rolled my eyes, screwed up the paper and pushed it to one side, fully aware that the sender was watching.

Only 5 minutes i'd been in this school and an hormonal boy was already taking bugging me. I sighed and continued reading the book.

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