Chapter 21

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Hey guys! Chapter 21 here for you! What did you think about Nick's little breakdown, eh? Comment below!

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Chapter 21:

Mia's POV:

'Finally the day is over! Wanna come over mine to watch a few chick flicks today?' Tina joyfully asked, as i gave a small smile and nodded 'Sure'.

'Great, Mia! Oh actually wait, I just need to give Mr Harrison, my English coursework! It was due like a month ago, i wont be a minute, Mia please! I'll be real quick!' Tina playfully begged, i was surprised. For the past couple of days Nick has kept his distance from me, every chance he could. I've only had one English lesson and tutoring since our kiss and both times, 'Mr Harrison' was absent. I even went to the book store in town but didn't see him. I simply needed to talk to him about what happened, what he told me.

It kept playing over and over in my head; his words and how he felt now i had arrived. The way he expressed himself, made me envy his courage and trust in me. For i too carry a burden just like Nick, difference is he faces up his..

'Plus i thought you liked Sir.' Tina questioned, interrupting my deep thoughts. 'What do you mean, like?' i stopped and asked suspiciously.

'As in hes a cool teacher! Pretty fit, if you ask me! What did you think i meant?' Tina laughed, unaware as she jokingly elbowed me. I laughed nervously with her.

If Nick was indeed in the classroom, i was desperate to see him. Be with him. But not with Tina lurking about. 'I'll just wait outside. Be quick though' i urged her instead.

'Okay will do and..' she was searching for something in her bag, but her hand came out empty, as she huffed.

'Ahh, Mia i've only gone and left my coursework in our Form room! Hope its not locked! I'm so forgetful sometimes. Do me a favour and just pop in and tell sir, Ive just gone to get it.' and before i could even protest she jogged down the corridor to another classroom, the other side of the school site. I rolled my eyes, and slowly but eagerly entered Nicks classroom, only to find it empty.

I let out the breath, i was holding and decided to explore a few items on his Desk.

I smiled at a Frank Sinatra CD tucked in between his files, and beside piles of unmarked student work, i noticed an unfinished paragraph on a piece of paper, centre of the whole desk.

A resignation letter.

I picked it up, with shaky hands, and my heart sank as the door swung open. I gasped as the letter dropped, and i spun round only to see Damien standing there, feet apart, grinning.

'Gosh, You shouldn't scare people like that!..' i stepped forward and curled my lip. 'What do you want, Damien, huh? Cant you see im not interested in a selfish pathetic bullying idiot, like you. Trust me, the sooner you get that into your thick illiterate skull, the..' he scoffed at my insult as he moved closer me,

'Mm, Mia you think your better than the rest, eh? Feisty! And a snob! Your lucky your sexy! He bit his lip and stared at my clothed chest before suddenly landing his dry lips on mine: salty and hard, it was. I tried to push his chest but he refused to stop, dragging me towards the wall holding me against it, getting his way. There seemed to be more strength behind his movements, than at the party incident: i gasped in horror as i attempted to knee him where it hurts but failed.

'I told you i'd get my snog! Wasn't so hard was it. You talk too much, now lets see what else you got to offer, eh Mia?' he spoke as he licked his lips, and placed his hand on my bare thigh, just where my skirt hem stops. His cold unfamiliar hands on me, caused me to flinch and i swung my hand into action: slapped him across the face.

I rapidly wiped my mouth, as he recovered, bent over. He held his red cheek in amazement, and his facial expression gradually became screwed and aggressive: it frightened me, as i pushed my self more against the wall, as though i could sink in to it.

Nostrils flared and eyes narrowed, Damien bellowed  'No one rejects me! Not even little slags like you!'

He launched at me, shoulders first, he slammed me onto Nick's desk, and the tube pens stabbed at my back.

'Damien, STOP! What... Are.. Stop! Let me go..' i yelled, trying my best to wriggle free.

'Shut UP!' he shouted. Damien hiked up my skirt and squashed his crouch on my stomach. I screamed, and continued my desperate attempts to use my upper body to sit up, but Damien raised up my top, yanks down my bra and grabs my whole left breast hard, causing actual tears, first time in ages, to stream down my face at the pain. He forces his tongue down my throat, squashing my stifled sobs.

I settle for digging my nails into his back, but he doesn't even notice, as he continuously pushes his body harder against mine, almost making it hard for me to breath and scream at the same time.

Damien eases up, and I'm panting rapidly, hoping he's had enough. My hopes were crushed, as he desperately, tried to unbuckle his belt. 

'Please, Damien, you don't have to do this! PLEASE!' i yelped for someone, anyone and beat my feeble fists against his chest. I started to struggle harder, so he abandoned the idea of unbuckling his belt, and resorted into slowly letting his fingers enter my knickers.

I tensed up, shut my eyes and screamed as loud as i could, wishing, praying he wouldn't go that far. Before i knew it, Damien literally flew off me, and i heard a thud and the scattering of some chairs.

I was shaking and tears were flowing, like never before.  


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