Chapter 12

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Heyyy Guys! :)

Another chapter! Enjoy and stay inspired!



Mia's POV:

'Mia, I’ve noticed, you always wear this necklace.' Tina smiled as she pointed to my neck. I slowly looked down at it, and rubbed the angel shaped pendant. 'Yeah, I wear it everyday. It means a lot...' she interrupted me before i could continue. 'Can I try it on?' Tina politely asked.

'Erm, i dunno, Tina' i shrugged as i bit my lip. What she was asking was sort of equivalent to her demanding to wear my 'heart' or something. This necklace was apart of me. But then again, I was still feeling bad for yelling unnecessarily at Tina. Maybe this could be my way of showing I can trust her. For now.

'Oh come on Mia, just to see what it would look like on me. Please.' she pretended to beg with her hands in prayer position.

I rolled my eyes, with a smile but hesitantly undid my necklace and began handing it to her, when the worst happened…

'Give it back, Damien! It’s not mine, its Mia's! Give it!' Tina raising her voice as she pleaded.

My eyes were wet but no tear escapes as i watched Damien selfishly toss my necklace back and forth between his mates. Despite my physical efforts, he's just too quick for me. By this time, the whole canteen is watching this pathetic chase, as i continue to pursue him for my necklace.

'Just a little snog, is all I’m asking, Mia! I want my kiss and I’m gonna get it' Damien roars with laughter, as Tina yells at him while kicking him in the shin.

'Dammit Tina! That hurts! You bloody...' he pauses as he, drops the necklace, to nurse his bruised shin. 'You’re so lucky we're family, or i would have kicked your ass, Tina! Girl or not!' he spat, and then limped off with his followers in tow.

I bent down, to retrieve my necklace, only to find the clasp of the chain, tore off. I was frozen with sadness. Something that means so much to me and been with me for such a long time, can be broken or erased in a matter of minutes.

Tina stood by, watching until she eventually bent down beside me and muttered, 'im sure it can be fixed, Mia' she frowned and placed her hand on my back.

I quickly shrugged her off, and darted my eyes at her. I blamed her for this. She was the one who insisted on trying on my most valued possession. Anger grew in me, as i stood up, snatched my bag before running out of the canteen, onto the empty playground, and out the gates, not even looking back once.

I eventually stopped running as I found myself in the heart of the town. Panting from my get away, I scanned the area for a place to go, without attracting too much attention to myself: my eyes fell on a small book and Arts shop distant from all the other shops.

I quietly entered and the smell of old musty books hit me. My heavy breathing caused the shop assistant to look up from the till, but as i felt his inspecting eyes on me, i simply made my way to the back of the shop. I underestimated the size of the shop, as it was evident that he offered so much more size wise and book wise too. Rows of wooden shelves stuffed and arranged with books, stood before me.

Taking no notice of the few other customers, I dragged myself to the loneliest row and I just sat there, arms wrapped around knees behind a back shelf, repeatedly banging my head against it, as i refused the inevitable tears my eyes carried, to fall.

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