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"Now, there's lots of explaining to do isn't there? I think you and I both know you aren't the right Y/n~"

"The- The right me???"

Heizou nodded, coming over to the desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a photo. "See? We've know each other for a while." The photo was of you and Heizou, you seemed close. "We were friends. Good friends too. I'm sure I can make due with this version of you of course. You're still Y/n. Just a little different."

You nod slowly, trying to process what he had just said. "Yeah..... That looks nice. Maybe we could go out on a walk or something and talk about this..... This is such a weird occurrence...."

"Indeed. This definitely calls for further investigation...... but there's still work to do. I say we look through this stuff. Theres a lot." The boy placed the stack of papers on the desk, not gently enough though, as a few flew across the room. "Shit- Hopefully that didn't need to be in a certain order- If it did, we're doomed-"

After collecting the papers, you and Heizou started going over the decently sized stack of papers on the desk.

"Heizou? Are you making sense of anything here?", you asked, confused by the advanced vocabulary and odd wording used.

"You aren't-? Oh, sorry, I forgot you aren't the same.... and also, if you're comfortable with it, I don't mind you calling me Shikanoin. Other you did."

You nodded. "Okay, Shikanoin. Could you perhaps give me a run down of what's happening here? It's kinda complicated...."

"Oh, sorry about that..... You'll get used to it soon hopefully.... So basically, it seems someone's mysteriously gone missing. Just, as if they magically disappeared." He turned to you, looking into your e/c {eye color} eyes with his green ones. "No traces of them. Like what happened to you. You just passed out and suddenly you woke up talking and acting different. It seems they left after getting confused."

"What? Is that why I woke up with that blanket over me? Did you do that?" Your cheeks went pink. Did Heizou really care about you that much?

He simply nodded, continuing looking through the papers. "I keep that blanket here for the winter. It gets kinda cold in here, so when I found it, I decided to put it over you, since it's already getting cold. It *is* autumn."

"Thats actually really sweet of you. You must've really cared about other me...." You completely out of nowhere hugged Heizou tightly, against even your own will.

"Y-Y/N......... what are you-"

"You're so cute Heizou~ Especially all focused like that~ I couldn't help it." You didn't feel like yourself. What was happening? Who was doing this?

"Y/n? Are you back? You're acting normal again.....", Heizou asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. He wanted his friend back. And while having them like this was fine, he much rather would've prefered the Y/n he had known for the past 3 years now.

"T-Thats how other me was?"

Heizou nodded, his expression going back to a relatively sad one. "Yep, other you was really different. They- They..... the other you was very affectionate at times but had a temper shorter than Paimon. They weren't especially calm, but they were good at assisting me in making logical decisions. The other you was smart and was able to spot a clue from miles away. They specialized in reading ancient codes and advanced text. I'm smart but our combined intelligence was more powerful than anything the average human could begin to perceive. As much as you probably wouldn't believe me, their mind was stronger than even my intuition. I loved them, and I can only hope I can come to love you just as much as I loved them." 

You looked to Heizou and saw he had been crying. His green eyes were filled with large tears. He seemed like a real person. You almost had to remind yourself of what he was in your world, just a character. But here he was, open and crying. He held so much emotion in this moment, and it felt more unreal than any other you've had so far. He reached for your soft hand. "I'm torn on what to feel right now.", Heizou said. "I don't know what to feel. Should I be upset that the version I love is not here in this moment, or am I to be happy, that I at least have well, you? I am completely contradicted. I want to believe that the other you will be back, but how am I to know for sure? For certain that you, the other you I mean, will return to me once and for all. I want to be with you, if that happens, and the other doesn't return but, it's hard, you know? I had such strong relationship with you, and now, it's all gone.", he continued. You could feel his emotions. He was completely destroyed. He loved you a lot. And you, will always be important to him. You felt a need to be perfect. A need to be there for him. He been so kind, and while not personally, you knew him for so long. Was it wrong to want to be his? You wanted this. You ruined him. He was crying because of you- no. It wasn't your fault. You still felt bad, but you knew it wasn't your fault. 

"Heizou, I'm so so sorry. But let's at least try to make this work. You're sunshine in my eyes. For when it rains, and I get all moody, I think of you, and the cold I once felt, is out shined by the beautiful rays of sunshine you have surrounding you. I feel warm. I could be the most upset I've ever been and you make it all better. It's like a hug, from someone you really, really love. I want to be your friend at the very least. I want to be with you forever by your side as your assistant . I want to help you in solving the cases. I want to help you with your personal life, I want to be your sunshine, especially since you were mine. I went so much with you by my side, and I want to be the same for you. I want to be with you by your side till the day I die. Until I leave this earth, I want to be yours. Your friend, your assistant, your partner even, whatever it may be, I want to have a role in your life. So please, let's try to make it work for now. Please, Heizou. I really hope I can help." 

Heizou smiled, wiping away his tears. "Yeah, let's do it."

(EDIT NOTES (8/1/23): Really happy w/ these edits :) I hope you like them too I added 500+ words lmao)

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