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You sit under a sakura tree with Heizou, holding his hand firmly. You've began to remember more and more everyday, and you know more than you expected to after this much time.

"You're more beautiful as the sunset in front of us. You know that?"

"Heizou- you couldn't possibly mean that."

"But I do. You're beautiful. I love you. Like a lot." Heizou pulled you in closer, kissing your forehead after. "I want to spend forever with you, Y/n. You make me really happy. Our time together has been amazing." He took a deep breath, one in which sounded sad.

"Heizou? What's wrong?"

"This time together......... it's almost over. You can't stay forever. You know that, right?"

You shook your head. "No. Heizou, you can't mean that."

"I do though. As unfortunate as it is..... You have to leave. And soon. Your family at home misses you. I'll cherish our time togeher though. And I wish to see you back soon."

"I wont leave. I would never, Heizou."

"Oh how I wish that's how it works....." Heizou began to cry. Tears fell from his eyes. "You have to leave soon. And I'll always miss you. There was no other you. There never was. Those memories are what you wish you had. You don't belong here. I don't know how I'm even holding your hand. Or how we're talking right now."

"No. That's not true. It can't be."

Heizou shook his head as he stood up. "Let's go home. You need to leave now."

You began to cry as well. However, you still continued behind him.

You laid on Heizou's bed, holding the crying boy in your arms. "Goodnight and goodbye, Heizou. I'll never forget you. Okay?"

He nodded, kissing you sweetly. "I'll miss you..... okay?"

You nodded, falling into a deep sleep.

You woke up at home. In your room. No Heizou.

A letter sat on your nightstand. It read:

'To my dearest Y/n:

The time I spent with you was the first experience of love I'd ever experienced.

You gave me what I always wanted in life: the love of another. You gave me things I could've never dreamed to have without you.

We had a lot of fun, but unfortunately, all good things come to an end. It's a truth we always needed to accept.

I love you. Always will.

I hope you come to visit soon.

I'm already imagining all the exciting things we'd get to do together!

We should totally have a party with all the characters you like.

I'll always be in your heart. And I will always keep you in mine.

Not a single day with pass where I don't miss you.

Nor a night when I dont dream of you.

You taught me to love.

You're special.

My heart and my love belongs to you. And you alone.

For the love of others will never replace what we had.

You were the love of my life.

The wind in my sails.

My anti-depressants.

Sadness never prevailed when I was with you.

You were my assistant. And I was your detective.

No romance movie could top what we have.

Our relationship was better than most.

I miss you everyday.

You do nothing now yet I still crave you.

I crave your love.

Your kisses

And your cuddles.

The warmth that you brought

To my heart

As well as to my empty bed.

I was lonely

And you helped me get out of my shell.

I'm crying while I write this for you.

The thought of you leaving my arms?

It's heartbreaking.

I need you, Y/n

I know you're at home,

But please,

Come see me soon.

I miss you

I miss the butterflies in my stomach

I miss the warmth

I miss the right to tell those around me I finally found love

I miss your smiles

and your cute laughs.

I want that again.

You're the missing piece to the puzzle that is my heart

The main character to my novel

The case I need

The company I wanted

The person I could always feel loved by

The galaxy to my astronaut

The peanut butter to my jelly.

You're missing now.

I feel incomplete.

Come back soon.

For me.

For Shikanoin Heizou

The lonely detective of the Tenryou Commission.


Your love,

Heizou <3'

(Here's some tissue

--------> 🧻

And a cookie for ur sorrows 🍪)

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