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(Bored and in a mood to make a goofy chapter for once lol)

(Modern AU and College AU)

You sat on the couch next to Heizou and Kazuha who were doing homework. It was about 9:00 at night and the 2 boys had been up working for a while now. You never thought their classes were *that* hard.

"Hi, Y/n." Heizou grabbed your hand firmly, not even looking up from his laptop yet still being able to tell it was you.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"My intuition told me. Besides, who else would randomly come up to me, Y/n?"

"Good point. So anyways, whatcha doin?"

"My school work. Like any responsible student."

"You aren't all that responsible though, Heizou."

"Shhhhh nobody needs to know."

You leaned your head on your boyfriend's shoulder yawning shortly after.

"Are you tired?" Heizou looked up for once, looking at you with his beautiful green eyes. "I can take you to bed if you are." He set the laptop down, running his fingers through your hair afterwards.

You tried to convince Heizou you weren't but failed.

"Awww wait I have to finish this..... how about you nap right here? Hey, Kazuha? Can you go get Y/n a blanket from our dorm room?"

"Of course, Shikanoin. I shall be back momentarily." Kazuha set down his stuff and moved from the couch, head towards he and Heizou's shared room.

"So, how was class, love?", Heizou asked kissing your forehead.

"It was good. How was class for you, Heizou?"

"Mmmm boring. I wish becoming a detective required more fun classes than just the same boring ass law shit.", Heizou sighed staring off at the wall.

"I'm sorry about that....."

"No, no. It was my decision. Don't worry about it. I chose this."

"Yeah. I guess."

Heizou's phone got a notification, he grabed it, reading it to himself.

~One new message from: Kazuhaaaa🍃~

So Heizou, we don't have any spare blankets in the linen closet. What should I do?

Dectective who hates law school 😋:


I thought I had one....

Whatever... um did you check under my bed?



Detective who hates law school 😋:
I typically keep one under my bed as a spare. Yk for Y/n.

That makes no sense but okay.

Heizou put his phone down after that, looking back at you, who'd managed to make yourself comfortable enough to fall asleep. "They're so cute." Heizou put an arm around you, snuggling into you happily.

Kazuha came back soon, seeing you asleep on Heizou, who was barely keeping his eyes open. "Hey, Heizou? Maybe you should get in bed."


"Heizou, you're about to pass out. Go to sleep."

"Mmmmm fine......"

Heizou got up, taking you to your dorm first. He knocked on the door your roommate (Male roomate option: Aether, Female roomate option: Lumine), the Traveler, opening the door. "Heizou?"

"Hi, Aether/Lumine..... Y/n fell asleep so I...... brought them.......back...."

"Uhh okay? Our room is the 2nd door. The other one's the bathroom..."

Heizou walked you into your room, kissing your forehead lightly as he placed you down. "I love you, sweet dreams."

Heizou left, and waved to Aether/Lumine who was cooking him/herself some dinner in your shared kitchen.


Your phone rang loudly, waking you up almost immediately.
The caller ID read: 'Heizou 💞🔎'

You answered once you noticed it was your boyfriend calling.


"Good morning, Sweetheart."

"Good morning, Heizou!! So what's up?"

"I feel kinda bad about yesterday. And like, focusing on all that homework instead of you.... So I was wondering if you wanted to go out to get some coffee or something in like........ how bout 2 hours?"


"Oh, perfect! See ya then, Y/n!!"

Heizou hung up the phone after that, causing you to smile.

You began to get ready, looking your best for Heizou.

2 hours later, Heizou got there, looking handsome as always.

His hair was just resting gently on his shoulders, and he wore a green sweater, a cropped white shirt underneath he had on some black jeans that were slightly torn on his knees. He wore his black framed glasses, which complimented his lovely green eyes.

"You look amazing, Heizou..."

He smiled happily at your words. "Thank you!! You look nice too! Anyways, come on, let's go."

(Hope u enjoyed this cute lil filler!!! :3)

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