2: ~CHAPTER 3~

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The next morning was cold. You got up and left your room, hoping to find Heizou. "Heizouuuu...."

"Hmmmm? Is something wrong, Y/n? Come here, tell me."

You sat on the couch next to Heizou, who, judging by his messy hair and cat pajamas had only just woken up. "I'm just a little cold is all...."

"Oh my gosh!!! I'm so sorry, Sweetie! Here, come here, let me try to warm you up...." Heizou pulled you closer, hugging you tighter and pulling his blanket over the both of you. "Feeling a little warmer? I hope so....."

"Oh wait a moment, Heizou, are you sick? You're feeling a little too warm......"

Heizou was indeed a little too warm. And it was likely he'd caught a cold yesterday....

"No, I don't-" a sneeze caught off Heizou's sentence quickly. "-think so..."

"Oh no.... Heizou..... here, let's go make you some soup. And then after we get you some soup, you should go get some rest."

"No, no.... thats way too much! I'm meant to take care of you, not the reverse!!"

"But Heizou, you're sick. You have to get better. That's top priority."

The redhead sighed, going to the kitchen with you helping you make some soup. "There. We're all done, Heizou."

You put the soup on the table, sitting next to him.

"Hey, y/n? Can you feed me?"




"But I'm sick....."

"Fine, just this once though. Only because you're sick. Never again."


You fed Heizou a spoonful of the soup. He smiled happily after tasting it. "It's delicious! You're a fantastic helper in the kitchen."

"Glad you think so. Now, finish your soup, Heizou."

He nodded and did just that. Soon enough, he'd finished. "I'll go get some rest then. Good night or something. I love you."

After you made sure Heizou was actually laying down, you put his dishes in the sink and walked into his room, taking this opportunity to take a nice nap with Heizou.

You laid in the bed with him, not really caring he had a minor cold. "I love you too, Heizou.."

After a few hours, you woke up, Heizou still peacefully sleeping in your arms. You tried not to move, attempting to not wake him. "God he's so cute....."

Heizou moved a bit before letting out a little yawn. "Hi~ How long have you been here?"

"Since you went to sleep....... I decided to nap with you, since I had nothing to do."

"Awww how cute~ Anyways, I'm borrrreedddd~"

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