2: ~CHAPTER 6~

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(Double updates 😈)

"No. Dont you dare say that, Heizou. We still have so much left to do...."

Heizou got off of you, and looked away. A tear fell, followed by a ton more. "I know...... And I'm sorry. But I can't stop it." Heizou took his top off, and his bandages to show a pixelated blue mess (like when a character dies in genshin). "See? I'm so so sorry about this. I shouldn't have started that fight with Kazuha."

"Heizou..... maybe we can fix it! Like, if I can find a healer! Like, uhhhh Koko! Or uhh we could make some Sakura Mochi or something!"

Heizou smiled. "I appreciate the effort, I really do, but I cant be saved. Not now."

"Stop. Fucking. Saying. That. You will make it. And then, when you're all better, we're gonna get married. And then we can have kids!! Heizou, you can't die. I won't let it happen."

"Stop it...... You'll make me cry again......" Heizou did start crying again actually. He came closer to you, sitting on your lap now that you were sitting up. He buried his head into your shoulder and began to cry. "I hate that I-I brought you into this...... I'm such a fucking asshole. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I BRING YOU BACK KNOWING I WAS LIKE THIS. I KNEW I WAS OBSESSED. I KNEW I'D START SOME SHIT BUT THE LOVE I FELT FOR YOU OVERCAME THAT. A-And now I-"

You let Heizou express his feelings. All you did was rub his back and tell him to let it all out. You were in shock. And you definitely weren't expecting to hear him yell like this. But here was... It was so upsetting. He might have been more heartbroken than you. "It's okay, baby. Cry it out." 

"I love you so fuckin much." Once Heizou eventually calmed down a little, he kissed you passionately and deeply. 

You blushed; however, you still enjoyed his kiss. Heizou was gentle with you and treated you well. He washed your clothes and cooked you food. He took you out on dates, nice ones at that, and went shopping with you often. Heizou protected you and made you feel loved by someone finally. You genuinely loved him, and he clearly loved you. 

After his kiss ended, he fixed his bandages and put on a shirt before standing up. "Can I take you somewhere? I have something to give you." 

"Oh? Yeah, sure, just let me put on something a little nicer. Maybe you should too." You went to change while Heizou sat in the living room. After a few minutes, you were ready. "Heizou! I'm ready!!!" You left your room in a nice f/c {favorite color} dress.

"You're beautiful...... I- I'm blown away..... Well, we should get going now." Heizou got up and took your hand and walked to the forest near the mountain. "Alright. Now, wait right here by the river. I'll be right back; I want this to be a nice surprise." 

You turned around and enjoyed the lovely forest scenery. "Odd choice of place, Heizou."

"Oh? Also, I'm almost done, alright? Just a little longer. No peaking~" 

After a few minutes, Heizou was ready. "Alright, I'm ready." 

You turned around and saw Heizou on his knee. His eyes were sparkling from the glow of the plants, and his outfit made more sense too, before, the sweater and shorts he was wearing no sense, since they aren't his usual colors. His hair was untied and was nicely sitting on his shoulders. "Y/n... I've been wanting this moment for so long. I love and cherish you so much already. And- being able to finally do this? It's amazing. Really. So please, accept this. Y/n.... Please, please, please..... marry me." Heizou took a beautiful diamond ring and handed it to you. 

"W h a t. Heizou I- OF FUCKING COURSE." You took Heizou's ring without hesitation and put it on. "I'm so happy. Yes. Let's get married."

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