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It was the day you and Heizou were leaving Inazuma and he was still knocked out. "Heizou~ Baby, it's time to wake uppp~"

Heizou rolled over to face the other way. "Nooooo too earlyyy"

"Alright fine. I'll give you 15 more minutes. Then you gotta get up, okay? Is that fair?"

"Mhmmm~ Thank you." Heizou quickly went back to sleep. God he was adorable.

You grabbed him from behind and kissed his cheek. The 15 minutes you waited before getting him up went by fast since you were with him. You gently shook him, and whispered: "Heizouu~ Time to get up~"

"Mmmmm fine~ Good morning~"

After talking about your dreams and how you slept, the both of you had gotten up together, and changed out of your pajamas. "Do I have to change out of my penguin pajamas? They're so comfy."

"I know, I know, Heizou. But we're going somewhere, you should put on some actual clothes."

Heizou frowned, sighed, and then chose some nice clothes to wear.

"You look adorable, Heizou." You helped him tie up his hair and then left the room.

Once Heizou left as well, he gave you a good morning kiss and grabbed the both of you something to eat. You ate peacefully and chatted about random stuff. Afterwards, you grabbed your bags and decided to teleport to Liyue.

You got there, and decided to find somewhere to stay or a place outside Liyue Harbor to set up camp. The both of you looked for a inn first obviously, since staying indoor somewhere seemed more comfortable and safe.

You eventually found a nice place to stay and decided to drop your stuff off and go enjoy the scenery. You grabbed your kamera and left with Heizou, wondering around Liyue.

You both wondered around the Harbor taking in the lovely sights. The water was sparkling and a nice semi-transparent blue. The lights were a nice contrast and glowed even in the day light. You eventually wondered out of the city. The mountains were beautiful and looked lovely in the mostly empty plains. Heizou and you didn't get far before nightfall and headed back to where you were staying. The rest of the night was rather hazy.

In the morning, Heizou wasn't there. You could hear water running, and assumed he was showering. You got up, and prepared entered the bathroom, knowing he was comfortable with you seeing him exposed. You knocked on the bathroom door first to make sure it was okay to enter, even though he genuinely didn't care. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure. You're good, Sweetheart."

You entered and saw Heizou, he had a towel on and had clearly just got out of the shower.

"Oh, I was wondering where you were at and heard the water running just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Oh, no problem, Sweetheart. Thanks for worring though. Very kind of you~ and also~ I remembered to cover myself this time, so it won't be as awkward as last time."

"Look that was entirely your fault. I was just worried about you. I had no idea that if I came in you'd be fully exposed."

Heizou sighed and rolled his eyes. "I guess. But anyways, I'm gonna get dressed now, so unless you wanted to see me fully exposed again, you should leave."

You left the room so as to give Heizou some space to change. You sat on the bed, knowing he'll probably ask you to brush his hair for him since he liked how gentle you were. Sure enough, he sat in front of you and asked you to brush it for him. You agreed, like usual, and did as he asked, engaging in your usual morning conversation.

Afterwards, you kissed him, like you usually would in the morning and came up with a plan for where you would go today. You both got up, grabbing your kamera. You wondered around until you bumped into someone while not paying attention. You looked up and saw someone. Someone you recognized. "Xiao?!"

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