2: ~CHAPTER 4~

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You woke up to an empty bed. You and Heizou had slept together, so you had expected him to be there. But he was gone. You got up, stretching before noticing the blood on the floor.

"HEIZOU?!" You immediately got up, worried Heizou might be injured. You rushed out of your room, to see a sight you never expected.

Heizou was bleeding from various areas, blood dripping out from his open wounds. His fists were swollen and bloody. He was panting, and sweat covered his body.

Kazuha stood on the other side, a bloody sword in hand. He had a lot of bruses.

They appeared to have faught.

"HEIZOU! OH MY ARCHONS ARE YOU ALRIGHT?", you rushed to his side, hugging him tightly. Your clothes were now stained in red.

"......I'm okay...... thanks for........ lookin out for me....." the redhead was barely able to even mutter those words out to you before he dropped to the ground quickly. Your boyfriend laid unconscious on the wooden floors now, the blood from his wounds still leaking out.

"Kazuha. How could you do this to him?!" You turned to the white haired male who stood there in silence.

"He was locking you up. I couldn't let that happen."

"HE'S FUCKING BLEEDING OUT. DID YOU HAVE TO GO THAT FAR? I love Heizou. He was amazing to me. And now he's passed out on the floor bleeding." You looked away from Kazuha and sat on the ground, moving Heizou to your lap. His breathing was heavy and seemed to be quickening.

"Look I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't enough. Now, make yourself useful and find some bandages. Now." You firmly pressed your hand against Heizou's side, hoping to stop his bleeding as Kazuha left to find something to cover Heizou's wounds.

Eventually, Heizou's bleeding stopped and Kazuha came back with some bandages. You'd covered his wounds and kissed them lightly.


Kazuha nodded. "Yeah. Sorry about the whole thing with Heizou...." Kazuha left afterwards, leaving you with Heizou.

You waited for Heizou wake before getting up.

"Y/n......" Heizou's eyes blinked open and his breathing calmed.

"Heizou.... I'm sorry...... I covered your wounds. I was gonna go clean now. Just.... I didn't wanna leave you here..."

"I love you..... so so much....."

"Shhhh Heizou, save your energy. Please.... Here, I'll take you the bathroom. You should take a bath.... you're all bloody still. And it'd be best to change anyways." 

The redhead nodded, smiling lightly.

-------After a little while--------

Heizou sat in front of you as you brushed his soft red hair lightly. "Please be more careful, Heizou. I was so worried about you...." 

"I'm really sorry....." The redhead just stared out the nearby window, enjoying the comfort of his fuzzy pajama pants. "You forgive me though, right? Like, for everything I've done.... I feel really terrible, Y/n..." 

"Of course, I forgive you. I love you, remember? You do understand love, right?"

Heizou shook his head. "No... I really don't. I've never really had anybody love me before...... Being fully honest, this is my first real relationship... I'm kinda a little hard to love sometimes. It's usually because I'm lazy or annoying.... That's- That's why I brought you here...... Because you loved me. And I wanted to feel the love everyone always talks about." 

"Oh... jeez..... I'm so so sorry, Heizou.... I'll always love you. You know that, right?" 

The redhead nodded, before grabbing your hand. "I'm really happy you're here. I hope you like your backstory by the way. Like, being an archon... I hope you like it, Y/n. I thought that maybe that way, you'd be just as special to everyone else as you are to me." 

"Awww... that's actually really sweet, Heizou. I'm happy you love me that much. Alright, I'm done brushing your hair. Should I put your rope back in your hair or....."

"No, it's fine.... It's been a while since I last kept it out. Besides, it looks cute like this too. So, I don't mind." Heizou stood up, walking into the kitchen. "Soooo would you like a snack? I can make you something." 

"Sure. I'd love for you to make me something. Your food is always so good. "

Heizou giggled and began taking things out from various areas. He set them all on the counter and began cooking. "Soooo, Y/n. What's your favorite nation and why?" 

You thought for a moment before answering. "Hmmmmm I have 2." 

"Oh? Shoot. I'd love to hear it."

"Well, for starters, I love the way Inazuma looks. It's goverment is a lil strict but it's beautiful to look at. And then probably Sumeru. Sumeru is a beautiful nation. I really like the rainforest."

"Good choices. What about Mondstadt and Liyue?" 

"Hmmm Mondstadt doesn't have much I guess. It's kinda just boring. As for Liyue, I guess it just...... didn't stick with me. Like, didn't appeal to my tastes I guess..... Don't get me wrong, I like Mondstadt and Liyue but like.... I dunno... As for Fontaine, Natlan, Snezhnaya, and Khaenri'ah, I guess I'm excited to see them. For me, I'm especially excited for Fontaine and Khaenri'ah."

"Ah, I see. Totally understandable. I've never really been outside Inazuma. I mean, I've seen photos taken by the traveler, and Asteria's closest island a little bit, but that's really all." 

"Damn... I'm sorry Heizou...."

"No, don't worry about it. Maybe we should go traveling one day. I'd love to go on an adventure with you."

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