2: ~CHAPTER 2~

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You took a few cookies from the tray Heizou put in front of you, leaving him some as well.

"Hmmmm? You left me some?" Heizou tilted his head to the right ever so slighty, a cute confused look on his face.

"Of course. I'm really happy you made them for me, and besides, it's only fair I leave you some." You ruffled Heizou's hair a little, only to realize how soft it was. "Your hair's so soft, Heizou."

"Awwww~ you seriously think so? You can continue messing with it if you'd like. Here, let me take the rope out." Heizou untied his hair, allowing you to mess with it more.

You continued messing with his soft pink-red hair as he ate the cookies you had left him.

"I love you, Y/n."

"Love you too, Heizou."

Heizou smiled gently, placing the cookies back on the tray, and kissing your cheek lightly. "You'll stay forever this time, right? I wanna spend forever with you. Like, I wanna marry you one day."

"I'll stay as long as I can, Heizou. Because I want to be with you too."

"Oh, did you still want to go on that walk?"

You nodded and stood up with Heizou.

"Well, it's pretty cold out there.... I dont want you to get sick, so here, take my jacket." Heizou gave you a black jacket that seemed about your size. "I prefer my jackets just a little bigger, so it should fit you well."

You put on the jacket he offered, instantly feeling prepared to go out.

"Come on, let's go then." Heizou put his shoes on, and took your hand, leaving the house with you.

It was definitely cold out. The grass was wet from rain and felt like ice. The cold wind blew strong and since it was late, the temperature had probably dropped at least a little.

"Are you sure you won't be cold, Heizou?" You were worried about him, since he wasn't wearing anything super warm.

"I-I'm sure..... Y-You're more i-important anyways....." His hand was freezing and his face was more pale than usual from the intense cold. "This is the only time I h-have went out this l-late in winter is all...."

You stopped walking and pulled him into you, hugging him tightly. "Heizou....."

He hugged you back, his shivering slowing a little as he felt the warmth radiating off you. "You're so w-warm..."

"Here, let's head home, Heizou."

He nodded, letting go of you and taking your hand once more.

You and Heizou walked back to your house. Upon getting inside, Heizou sat on the sofa. "Hey, Y/n? Can you get me a blanket? There should be some extra ones in the closet in my room...."

"Of course, Heizou. I was gonna make you some tea too, if you're okay with that."

"Thank you."

You headed off to find a warm blanket for Heizou. After a few minutes, you decided on one and brought it to him. "Here ya go, Heizou."

"Again, thank you. I'm really happy to have you around."

"That means a lot."

You went to make Heizou's tea soon after, knowing it was best if you kept it at least a little warm for him. After finishing it, you went to go let him know, only to find him sleeping.

Heizou slept peacefully, lightly snoring like usual and a smile on his face. It appeared whatever he was dreaming about was a good thing.

You knelt down in front of him, moving some of his hair and kissing his forehead lightly. "Sleep well, Heizou."

You put the tea away, deciding to just leave it for another day. You turned off the lights and headed to your room.

You laid back on the bed, quickly falling asleep.

-------POV: ???---------

I sat up, writing my letter to him.


I have found out.

You cannot hide them anymore

I will not allow you.

I understand that you love them,

And that you want to make sure they never leave,

But that is not trust.

You should trust them not to leave you.

You can't just lock them away like this.


Scarlet Falcon'

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