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You hugged Heizou tightly as he rubbed the rest of his tears away. You pat his back softly. "Okay well, we've got a job to do, Shikanoin. Let's get it over with okay?" 

The red head gave a subtle nod. "Mhmmm. The case file is on the desk."

You reached for the file, a smile on your face. You realized there were 2 copies. One for you and one for Heizou. He took his and you, yours. Now, you had a few problems. 1: It was all written in another language. It was in Teyvat's written language. You could understand the spoken one, but you were never able to understand the written one. And 2: you were confident it probably contained a lot of rather large words you were confident you couldn't understand even if you tried. 

The red haired boy didn't answer, when you looked at him, you had noticed he was too focused on reading the case file to hear you. "Oh, sorry did you say something? I'm trying to figure out where this happened, sorry about that...."

"It was nothing important anyways, I just was wondering where we were headed, didn't know you were re-reading the file to figure it out." You shot Heizou a polite smile, which he returned shortly after.

After a while, you headed off, you honestly didn't know where you were going, for all you know he could be leading you to a quiet place to murder you.

"I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're thinking."


"Nothing~" Heizou smiled softly, then walked slightly faster to get ahead of you. "Gosh they're so cute- No way, this is worst time to fall in love with them......", Heizou whispered to himself.

"He's so cute, other me is so lucky- I wish I could tell him how I feel.....", you thought to yourself.

Once you got to the home of the missing person, Heizou knocked on the door, an older woman answered. She was tall and had shoulder length brown hair and green-blue eyes, she appeared to be in her late 30's-early 40's. "Oh, I didn't know you were in a relationship, Detective Heizou...."

"What?! I'm not- what could possibly make you suspect that?!" Heizou's green eyes bolted around looking for signs you were his s/o, only to realize you were currently holding hands. "Oh-No, no it's not like that! We're just friends. We just decided to hold hands on the way here. My assistant here just wasn't feeling well today. So I thought it'd be best if we held hands."

The brunette woman laughed for a moment, then moving from the door. "Well, you must be here to investigate my daughter's sudden disappearance. I won't stop you. Her room is just down the hall on the left."

Heizou nodded, before walking in the house. "Thank you, I will try my very hardest to find out why this happened."

Heizou wondered over to the daughter's room, you following behind. "Well then, let's get to investigating huh? If you find anything let me know okay? Even if it's seemingly unnecessary, it may play a large role in the case. If you'd like though, you can stay by my side."

"Ah, I think maybe since this is my first time helping, I should just stick with you. Sound good?"

Heizou nodded, lightly squeezing your hand that he was still holding. "Sounds good. This may take some time though....."

After a few hours of investigation, it started to get dark out, and the both of you were getting hungry.

Heizou yawned, rubbing his eyes gently in hopes maybe it'd make him less tired to do so. "Mmmmm......how about we go get something to eat..... I'm starving and its already late....."

You nodded in agreement, as you could barely keep your eyes open. "Yeah, I'm really tired."

After getting something to eat, you realized something. "Wait- where do I live-"

"Oh, we live together, it was just easier to live together than apart. We both have really shitty concept of time, so we kinda need each other to remind the other of time."

"Ah, yeah, makes sense. So, where do we live? Should I just follow you?"

Heizou nodded, walking to a small house on the outskirts of Inazuma city. "Its more peaceful out here, honestly, the city is way too noisy for me- so I live out here. Besides, it has a really pretty view." Heizou unlocked the door of the house, walking in and signalling you to follow him. After you walked in, he closed the door, locking it again and taking his shoes off. "If you're comfortable enough, I'd prefer you leave your shoes here. Just so the house doesn't get all dirty, ya know?"

You nodded, taking off your shoes and leaving them next to Heizou's. "Soooo what now?"

"Mmmmmm....... whatever I guess. I don't really have anything planned. Probably just gonna do the stuff I forgot to do this morning and go to bed."

"Ah, have fun with that. Soooo where do I sleep?" You mentally both hoped and did not hope you shared a room with Heizou, the thought even causing your cheeks to turn pink.

"Whatcha thinking about, Y/N~? Surely not something dirty, right~?" Heizou put his head on your shoulder, and put his arms around you, a smirk on his face.

"No! I really wasn't!" Heizou's teasing only caused your cheeks to turn more red, causing him to only bother you more. "C-Can I just know where I sleep now."

"Hmm..... I suppose you could always please me~ I'd love to have you sleep in my room if that's what you want~ Of course, you'd have to promise you won't talk about it around anybody else, that'd be unfortunate~"

"What no- come on, seriously, just tell me. Besides I literally just got here. I barely know you right now."

Heizou sighed, letting go of you and moving his head from your shoulder. "Your room's down the hallway, third door on the right. Goodnight, I-"

"Goodnight.....wait, what were you gonna say?"

"Nothing.... I'll see you tomorrow, partner."

You went to your room, falling asleep. You woke up in the middle of the night. You got up to get a glass of water, as you felt thirsty. You stopped in the hallway though, noticing the door of Heizou's office was open, and he was sitting down, writing on a notepad in front of him. "Heizou? What are you doing up?!"

Heizou jumped at the sudden sound of your voice, turning around immediately. "Huh?! Y/N?! Why are you up?!"

"I woke up randomly and went to get some water..... are you okay? You look so tired..... are you having difficulties sleeping?"

Heizou nodded slightly. ".......maybe.....? I- I have something that I need to tell you...... I-" Heizou sighed and stood up, putting his hand on your shoulder. "I love you, Y/n. I want to be something more than your friend....I want to be your boyfriend....."

(EDITED 11/13/23)

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