2: ~CHAPTER 11~

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"Your friends in Mondstadt are so nice, Y/n. You were right about that." Heizou sat on the soft grass beside you underneath the great tree in Windrise. His red hair and emerald eyes glowed in the soft moonlight.

You smiled as you admired the beauty of the land before you, the land that belonged to your dear friend the wind god. This area was nostalgic, you and Venti trained here often. "Glad you like them, Heizou. They're amazing people. And I'm glad you see that too."

He nodded gently, a small yawn escaping his lips. "Maybe we should set camp up soon, it's getting late, and I'm rather tired."

"Alright, just a little longer, my love."

Heizou nodded slightly, laying his head on your shoulder.

You stared at the stars for a little longer before shaking Heizou lightly. "Heizou. Come on, let's go, we've gotta set up camp, remember?"

Heizou rubbed his eyes tiredly before nodding. "Mhmm.... let's go...."

You and Heizou went to a nice place to set up camp and the 2 of you made a tent. You had brought a few pillows with for a comfortable experience when camping out. "It was a good idea to bring those pillows, Y/n.", Heizou said.

You nodded. "I knew they'd come in handy."

Heizou smiled, a cute laugh escaping his lips. "You're too precious."

"No, you, Heizou~!", you said playfully.

The redhead giggled once more sighing afterwards. "God, what did i do to deserve you, my lovely Y/n~? You're way too perfect for a regular ol' detective such as myself."

"Don't say that! You're an amazing partner, Heizou!", you defended. Heizou made you feel loved. He made you feel warm inside. He gave that feeling of butterflies in your stomach. You loved him, with your whole heart. No one in the whole of Teyvat meant as much to you as Heizou did. "Gosh I wish I could describe my love for you in full...."

"I feel the same way, Y/n. You're the world to me." Heizou stared into your shiny e/c eyes with his beautiful emerald ones. A dorky smile stayed on his cute face. The warm feeling of laying next to Heizou, and the light weight from his arm laying a top you as he held you close.... it was perfect. Nothing could be better. This was a perfect moment. "Well, I think we should go to bed now, yeah? We should be wrapping up our stay in Mondstadt tommorrow. We're probably needed back in Inazuma."

You nodded. "Mhmmm... Goodnight, Heizou. I love you."

"I love you too, Y/n. Forever."

You closed your eyes, falling asleep in the arms of the one you loved the most. Shikanoin Heizou. The man who treated you better than everyone back in your world and in his. Real people were nothing in comparison to Heizou and anyone could agree, any sane person at least. Heizou was loving, caring, and sweet. He was a cinnamon roll. Sure, he was a strong fighter, but he also had a kind heart and a whole lot of love for you.

Shikanoin Heizou was your life now.

You loved him,

And he loved you.

Nothing was better than joking with him and admiring the world around you.

A world which for the longest time you longed to belong to.

And now that you did, you wouldn't ever take it back.

You had Heizou. And that was all that mattered.

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