2: ~CHAPTER 5~

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You lightly pressed your finger against the bandages on Heizou's side.


"Oh no, Heizou did I hurt you?"

"Just-Just a little bit......"

Its been about a week since Heizou and Kazuha faught. You were checking on the progress of his healing. You were really worried about the poor redhead since that happened, despite his bleeding stopping days ago.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." You kissed his cheek lightly hoping to make up for hurting him in some way.

Heizou sighed, a frown making its way to his face. "Aw no, it's fine. Seriously...."

"Alright...... I'm just so worried about you..... I hope you're all better soon, Heizou."

"Me too......" Heizou laid back down on his bed, yawning lightly as he became comfortable on his bed. "I think I'll just....... take a lil nap....." His eyes closed afterwards. He looked so cute...

You laid down next to him, unable to stop yourself. He looked so comfortable and so cute as well. "Have a nice nap, Heizou. I love you...."

The sleeping boy gave no response besides a slight smile.

Satisfied with this, you got comfortable and fell asleep with him. You were out relatively quickly considering you were up basically all night unable to sleep.

Heizou however, was having the opposite problem. Despite being tired, he couldn't keep his eyes closed for some reason. "Mmmmmm..... Y/n?" Your boyfriend lightly poked you, hoping that was enough to wake you. "Y/nnnnn... wake up please......."

Noticing the tone in Heizou's voice, you woke up the second time he called for you. "Heizou? Baby, what's wrong?"

"I-I'm tired but I can't sleep....." Heizou looked genuinely upset by this, for... some reason. Though you completely understood to an extent.

"Awwww.... do you need help falling asleep?" You ran your hands through Heizou's hair, hoping that would cease your boyfriend's anger somewhat.

"Yes please. I cant by myself......"

While he was angry, you thought he looked adorable. Heizou made just the cutest faces. "Okay. So, what do you think might help? Do you usually have trouble going to sleep?"

He shook his head. "No... this didn't happen too much before. Ummm as for what might help, I don't know actually..."

"Awww that's alright Heizou, no worries. We'll find a way to help you sleep, alright?"

"Thank you." Heizou's frown changed to a smile and he hugged you tightly. "I love youuuuu~"

"Heizou you're so goddamn adorable. Now, how about you close your eyes and I'll play with your hair? If that doesn't work, we can try something else, okay?"

Your boyfriend nodded before lying on you, which caught you by surprise, causing you to blush. "Hmmmm? Should I not have done that? I'm sorry.... I'll move then... just- I thought maybe-"

"No, Heizou.... it's okay, really, just- it caught me off guard is all...."

He hesitated before deciding to stay on you. "Okay.... Again, thanks for helping me, Sweetheart...." Heizou kissed you before closing his eyes.

"Of course. Have a nice nap, baby. I'll see you when you wake up, okay?" You pet Heizou's hair, calming him and causing him to fall asleep. "Awwww... God I love him even more now that I've actually met him...."

As soon as Heizou woke up, he had something to tell you. "Y/n? I want to leave Inazuma for a while. I want to travel with you. Promise we'll actually do it someday?"

"What-" It was so out of the blue. Why would he ask something like that so suddenly?

"Look, Y/n.... I-" Heizou sighed and got on top of you, staring you dead in the eyes, the most serious look on his face. "I don't know how much longer I'll make it with these wounds."

(Angst 😈!!)

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