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(A/N: Hi!! Thanks for checking out my story! This book welcomes those of all genders, like all of my fics. Enjoy)

You had just woke up. "What day even is it? I haven't been keeping track recently." You pulled your phone off the charger and turned it on. "Saturday huh? I don't think I have anything to do today. So how about I log onto Genshin?"

You sat in bed for a little while, before stretching and standing up, before yawning and rubbing your eyes. You started the computer before walking off to the kitchen to grab a snack.

You opened your fridge/pantry and grabbed f/s {favorite snack}. "Perfect." Just before leaving the kitchen, you saw a note. It read:

'Good morning, Y/n! Sorry nobody was home to say hello! I'm/We're at the store. I'll/We'll be quick, we/I promise!'

(I know not everybody lives with multiple people so I made it open for more people <3)

"Ahhhh okay. That explains the odd silence." You walked back to your room and typed in your computer password, booting up genshin afterwards. "I wonder what commissions I'll have today-"

(I personally dont do my comms, but maybe u do idk)

Once the game loaded, you smiled. "Ah~ Good morning, Heizou~! I missed you~!" For a second, it seemed as though he smiled at you, though you were probably just tired.

Heizou was your favorite character, and you loved him. You liked his design and his overall personality. He was exactly the kind of boy you needed in real life. He was sweet and playful, yet also serious at times when it was needed. 

You sped through your dailies and the rest of the day was a blur. Until before you went to bed. "Goodnight.", you said as you closed your door. You turned off the lights and closed your eyes. Like normal, you closed your eyes and waited for your body to fall asleep. It was your dream that was weird though.

Your dream started with you waking up. You were in a bed. You were especially warm, and it appeared someone was holding you, as there was an arm around your body. The room was plain but also very aesthetically pleasing. The walls were a nice green, not too light, not too dark, just, nice. The sheets on the bed were a nice light gray. The bed was comfortable, and you felt like you were in heaven. 

You were wearing a nice pair of bunny pajamas and the person behind you seemed to have cat pajamas based on their sleeve. Your pajamas were white and fluffy. And the person behind you had red, also fluffy, pjs. 

"Good morning, Sweetheart~ How'd you sleep~? Well, I hope~ I slept great since I have you to keep me company." Heizou peered over your shoulder right before you woke up. His voice was light, and soft. It was like music to your ears. Heizou could have been a therapist with his calming voice. He made you feel safe, and loved, even in a dream like this. 

Upon waking up, you realized you weren't in your room anymore. This an office of some sort. You were sleeping on a black leather office chair and a soft green blanket laid over you. Your head was laying on a soft pillow. You looked around the office. It was boring, besides the green, gray, and black decor in the office. There was a few cute plants on the deep brown wooden desk. All of which had a plant pot with a cute face on them. A larger plant sat in the corner, next to the sliding door that led to the office you were in. The clock showed it was 11 AM. And once you further inspected the desk, you noticed a golden name plate. The name "Shikanoin Heizou" was engraved with "lead detective of the Tenryou Commission" under it. There was also a smaller one. It read "L/N {last name} F/N {first name}" and underneath it read "Assistant to Detective Shikanoin".

The door opened, showing a familiar face. One which held dreamy large green eyes, 2 small moles under each eye. And the all to familiar soft, red hair of your favorite character. It was Heizou, the real one. You were looking at him, not through a computer screen. He was here, right before you. But how? Why? How did you get here. He cleared his throat before your ears were graced with his silky voice.  "Oh, you're up. We have some work to do, Sweetheart~", he said. This was going to be an interesting dream.

 Heizou placed a large stack of papers on the desk, smiling as he lightly patted your head. "Now, let's get to work-" 

You grabbed the redhead's wrist and said "Wait!", without thinking. Heizou turned to you and smiled. "Yes?", he responded. 

"Where am I?", you asked. 

Heizou laughed, before looking back at you. "Oh, you're serious? My, my love, what happened? How come you don't remember? You're at the Police Station, in our office." 

"Okay, that's one question answered..... What next? Oh, how did I get here?" 

Heizou looked shocked. Almost like he was confused you needed to ask. "Seriously, you're worrying me. What's wrong? You at least remember our relationship, right?"

"Our...... relationship? No, I don't remember...."

"I've got a lot to tell you then...."

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