2: ~CHAPTER 9~

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Xiao stood in front of you, a blank look on his face. "Y/n? Who's this? Should I know them?" The Adeptus motioned to Heizou, who seemed uncomfortable by the situation. 

"Xiao! This is my husband, Heizou. He's from Inazuma. Human." You seemed to understand that you should introduce him as being human, despite it sounding weird from the outside. 

"Human? You're married to a human? You do realize he'll die in your lifetime, right? Foolish if you ask me." The boy crossed his arms, turning from you and Heizou. 

"Xiao. That's not very nice to say. I'll admit, it is true, but still." You put an arm around a still very uncomfortable Heizou, so as to assure him it was okay.

"Maybe we should go now, Y/n." The redhead quietly whispered those words, out of sheer embarrassment.

"Good point, my love...", you whispered back. You waved to Xiao, before saying your goodbyes. "It was nice talking, I'll be going now though. Bye Xiao!" You gave a smile to your adeptus friend before walking off with Heizou.

"I don't think he likes me..... are all your friends this way?"

"No. Xiao is just a little distant sometimes. I'm sure my friends in Mondstadt will like you. Don't worry Heizou." You stopped and kissed Heizou lightly, then pulling him into a nice hug. You rubbed his back, and pet his hair.

"Thank you. I love you. A lot." Heizou smiled as he hugged you back.

"Of course. Now where are we going next? Mondstadt or Sumeru?"

Heizou thought for a moment before deciding. "Hmmm how bout Mondstadt?We'll go to Sumeru another time. I probably have a lot of work to do."

"Good point. We'll head there tomorrow. Okay?"

Your redheaded husband nodded. "Sounds good! I'm excited."

You stayed your last night in Liyue and left to go to Mondstadt.

"I'm excited. I've never seen Mondstadt before. And I can't wait to see your friends. You have a lot here."

You nodded and told him about Mondstadt as you traveled towards there.

Once you arrived in Mondstadt, Heizou's eyes light up and he smiles. "It's beautiful...."

"I know right? It's gorgeous."

You wondered into the city and met with Kaeya.

"Y/n? Is that you?"

"Hmmm?" You turned around to see your friend, Kaeya. "Kaeya! I missed you! How've you been?!"

"I've been good! How's Inazuma been?"

"It's been good with my husband by my side."

Kaeya's eyes widened and he smiled. "Congratulations, Y/n! That's amazing! Maybe we should go to the tavern to celebrate! My treat."

"Thank you so much." You hugged Kaeya tightly, smiling happily.

Kaeya reached his hand out and shook Heizou's. "I'm Kaeya by the way. Calvary Captain of the Knights of Favoinous. Let me know if you need anything."

Heizou nodded. "Nice to meet you. I'm Shikanoin Heizou. An Inazuman detective."

You let go of Kaeya and headed to the tavern with him, holding Heizou's hand.

Diluc stood at the counter, drying a glass with a clean rag, a blank expression on his face. "Kaeya."

"Hello, Diluc. Y/n's back."

Diluc looked up immediately, a somewhat happier look on his face. "Welcome back. What would you like?"

You took a seat at the counter with Heizou. "2 apple ciders please."

"Alright." Diluc turned around and got your cider.

"This is my husband by the way. His name's Heizou. He's Inazuman."

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