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(Just a warning this is a little more of a yandere Heizou and gets a lil spicy (there's no lemon as I wont write those but still). Just a warning. However it gets back to normal at a point.)

"Heizou.... what am I? Everytime I get a new memory I-"

"Shhhhh don't worry about that now. Just stay here with me...... I miss and love you, Y/n. Even if you aren't the one I know. Please, just pretend. For me...."

Heizou leaned into you, his warm breath hitting your body, he wasnt that far from you. He had tears forming in his eyes. "I hope.....I hope this is okay....." Heizou leaned in closer, lightly kissing you before backing away. "Is this.......Is this what you wanted? Ya know, when you were talking to me from your world? All those times you said you could kiss me? Is this not what you wanted? You spoiled me so richly. And everytime I completed a task for you, you seemed so happy. Is this what you wanted?"

"What? How do you-"

"That doesn't matter now. Show me what you wanted all those times. Show me the love you wished to give when you were sitting at the computer everyday. When you said you'd do anything to be with me. Well, you are here with me. So show me what you wanted. Please."

"Heizou what are you- what are you talking about?!"

"I'm obsessed with you~ I want to feel more of your love. You're so beautiful. I can't stand not getting what I want. Please, I'll beg on my knees if I have to."

"Heizou, what is going on..... this isn't- this isn't you..... what is happening...."

Heizou bit into your neck harshly, causing you to feel a sudden pain in your body.


His eyes were filled with lust and were jolting around violently. "Ahhhhh~ Archons save my soullll~ I'm on such a rushhhh~"

You tried to move before Heizou pulled out a switch blade and held it in front of you. "You see this, Y/n? This is what you'll see before you die if you aren't careful~~ Don't be naughty~ That wouldn't be fair for me~"

"Heizou....... what's wrong....? I- I'm really scared right now..... I don't like this....."

"Shhhhhh quiet down, my precious sheep~ I've got you~ It's okay~ Trust me. I wont hurt you. Unless I absolutely have to. But if you're good for me, that won't be the case."

You tried your hardest to hold back your tears as Heizou proceeded with the sins he was committing-

The light hit your eyes as they fluttered open.

"Y/n!! You're crying! Are you okay?!"

You sat up and looked around. Heizou laid on the bed next to you, a look of worry in his eyes. "You were crying, Y/n..... did you have a bad dream?"

You nodded and laid back down, snuggling into Heizou. "I had a dream where you hurt me....."

"You know I'd never do that, right? I'd never hurt you... I love you. And when you really love someone, you wouldn't intentionally hurt them in any way. So that's why I'd never do that." Heizou's arms were around you in a protective way yet also gave enough space for you to move if needed. "I'm here to protect you, Sweetheart."

"Thank you Heizou...." You lightly kissed Heizou's cheek and backed away to admire the adorable redhead in front of you. His hair was especially messy and he was wearing some basic clothing.

"Like what you see~? You seem to be focusing on my chest~ If you want something from me, you're welcome to tell me~"

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