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You finally arrived in Inazuma after a long journey. You took a moment to take in the breathtaking features of the beautiful nation of Eternity. Knowing that the Raiden Shogun had personally invited you to see her, you were content upon the fact getting permission from the guards to leave Ritou sooner than average. You had registered with the government, making sure to hand them Yae's letter to you as well. Knowing this would probably take a while, you began to wonder around Ritou, taking in your surroundings. Before stumbling upon a redhead.

The redhead sat on the ground, trying to hold back tears. It appeared as though the poor boy had scratched up his knee recently.

"Hey, are you okay?", you asked, taking a seat next to him.

The boy sniffled, wiping away his now falling tears before replying in a quiet voice: "Mhmmmm.... I just fell and hurt my knee is all..... it burns....."

"Can I help you? I should have something that might help."

The boy gave a weak nod. "If you could please...... thank you....."

You gave a smile to the boy before taking off your backpack and taking out some clean water. You cleaned off his injury before using some ointment from your nation and covering it with a bandage. "Feel any better?"

"Yep. Thank you." The boy gave a sweet smile, hugging you happily.

"What's your name?"

"Oh! Sorry about that!! I'm Shikanoin Heizou! I'm 17! What's your name?"

"I'm L/n Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Shikanoin."

"You can just call me Heizou! Also, you aren't human are you? What's someone like you doing in a place like Inazuma?"

"What? I just here to visit an old friend... Why do you suspect I'm not human?"

"I just have a feeling.... I've always been good when it came to my intuition.... Did I guess right?" Heizou giggled as he stared into your eyes, seeming happy with this interaction.

"What- You're a very interesting young boy.... You know that?"

"So was I right?"

You nodded, a little surprised. "You were. Such a clever boy you are, Heizou. I'm proud."

"Awww thank you~! Sooo, first time in Ritou? You're waiting to be let into the city aren't you?"

"Mhmmmm. Takes forever."

The boy nodded in agreement. "Our government isn't the best....."

"So what do you like to do?"

"I'm a detective actually! My friend and I are working together! We've been having quite the dispute lately though.... differences in vision I guess..."

"They sound like a bitch to be completely honest."

"She kinda is...... but its whatever. Not many people like me..... Oftentimes, I come off as lazy or annoying. I'm not very likeable."

"I think you're great, Heizou."

"No need to give me so many compliments.... Uhm.... I can show you around, if you want.... I have some free time, and I'm always up for helping out...."

You gave a happy nod. "I'd like that, thank you, Heizou...."

The red haired boy stood up and reached his hand out, and he began to show you around Ritou, telling you what each shop sold and where you could find better deals. He seemed to know a lot.

Once Heizou's little tour came to an end, security was ready to let you in. You gave a happy wave before leaving Ritou, saying your goodbyes. Little did you know, you'd meet again soon.

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