2: ~CHAPTER 7~

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It was the day after you and Heizou officially got married and had your small party with your friends. Aether was at you and Heizou's house, helping you pack your stuff for your adventure across parts of Teyvat.

"Thank you so much for the help, Aether."

"No problem, Y/n. I hope you and Heizou have an amazing time on your journey."

"Don't worry, Traveler. I'm sure we will." Heizou gave a polite smile to the blonde boy as he finished getting everything together.

"Oh, I know I said it at the wedding party but congrats you 2. I'm happy for the both of you."

"Again, thank you, Aether. Y/n and I appreciate it."

After about an hour, both you and Heizou had all your stuff together.

"Welp.... I guess it's almost time to leave Inazuma.... Maybe we should wait till tommorrow though, it's late..... thanks a lot for the help, Aether." Heizou yawned as he waved the blonde off. Your husband turned to you afterwards, hugging you tightly. "You know I love you, right?"

"Of course, I do Heizou. You always tell me. And I love you too." You lightly booped Heizou's nose, then kissed him lightly. "You're so adorable."

Heizou smiled, then let go of you. "Hmmm I think it's about time to start dinner. Our trip will be rather exhausting, it's best to get some rest now rather than later." Heizou admired your tired face just a little longer before walking off to the kitchen.

You, being attached to Heizou and bored at the moment, decided to follow him though. You hugged him from behind and pulled him into you, making sure you weren't too distracting.

"Hey~ What's up, is something wrong? Or are you just craving for my love and affection~?"

"Hmmmmm the second one. I just wanted to be here with you."

"Oh, no problem. Could you maybe let go of me though? That makes it a little hard. You're welcome to stay here though, of course."

You did as your husband asked and let go of him, understanding the ability to move is important while cooking.

"Here, would you like to hold my hand for now? I can work with just one at the moment."

"Sure." You took Heizou's hand. His hands were soft, like usual and were extremely nice to look at. Heizou had the hands of a fucking hand model. Maybe better actually.

"Really admiring my hand huh? You always do. Never really understood why though."

"You painted your nails again?" You had been asking him to repaint them for ages, since they just improved the way they looked. Plus the extra green was beautiful.

"Oh, yes, I did. You had been asking me too, yes? I was bound to eventually. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all. They look nice."

"Aww thank you, love. I'm happy you think so."

After a while of chatting with Heizou he'd finished dinner. He placed you some of your favorite food on the table. "Enjoy your dinner, Sweetheart." Heizou kissed your cheek then left you to eat while he got himself some.

"I always enjoy your cooking Heizou. It's the best. Seriously."

"Awww~ Really? How sweet. Gods I love you~"

You and Heizou ate your dinner then headed to bed. "Goodnight, Y/n. Sweet dreams~"

"Goodnight Heizou. I'll see you tomorrow." You gave Heizou a goodnight kiss, which he happily returned, and fell asleep in your husband's arms, awaiting the day ahead.

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