happy birthday, Heizou! [FILLER]

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(Hi everyone. It's Heizou's birthday, so I thought I would just write this since I haven't written anything for this book in a while. It's a modern au btw)

You smiled as you finished the planning for Heizou's birthday party. You invited a few of your friends, mainly Kazuha, Itto, and the Traveler.

You bought him a cake. One with red and brown icing and flowers in the middle. You got him a few birthday presents too.

His friends were here and now you were just waiting for him to get home from work.

Kazuha smiled as he finished signing the bottom of the birthday card. "Alright, Y/N-Chan. We finished. You best put this away now."

You nodded as you grabbed the card and slid it back into the white envelope. "Thank you Kazuha."

You and everyone else waited. And soon enough you heard the door open and your boyfriend yell. "I'm hooooome!"

You ran towards him and pulled him towards the kitchen, where everyone was. "Happy birthday, Heizou!", they all yelled.

Heizou smiled, hugging you tightly. "THANK YOU SO MUCH, Y/N!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"

You hugged him back, a smile on your face. "Sure."

~The End~

(It was short I know, but it's cute and I felt bad to not write anything. See you next time!)

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