2: ~Chapter 10~

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Diluc's eyes widened, "It's been that long? So long that you're married? It seems like just yesterday you were here in mondstadt....", the red-haired male stated, clearly shocked. 

You nodded. "Yep, it's been a really long time, Diluc. I can't believe you didn't notice...." Your smile stayed though. As it was rather funny your friend had lost track of the time it's been since you saw each other. 

"Well, I'm happy to have you back.", Diluc said, a light smile appearing on the man's face. "Oh, by the way, Heizou. I'm Diluc Ragnvindr, a longtime friend of Y/n's."

Heizou nodded. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Ragnvindr. I have a feeling we'll get along fantastically.", your husband said, an adorable smile creeping on his face. 

You lightly pat his head and continued drinking the cider placed in front of you. Meanwhile, Kaeya was already getting drunk, a certain bard now sitting beside him. "Y/n!", Venti yelled, noticing you. The short anemo god giggled as he hopped off the stool, hugging you tightly. "Oh. Who might this be, my student~", the bard asked, seeing Heizou. 

You smiled. "Oh, this is Shikanoin Heizou, my husband. He's a detective from inazuma. Anemo Catalyst user.", You said, describing the shorter male in good detail.

"Ohhh alright. Hello there, Heizou. I'm Venti the bard~! Friend and teacher of Y/n here. I'm an Anemo bow user.", the man in green smiled, reaching his hand out to shake the detective's hand, which he gladly took. 

"Nice to finally meet you, Venti. I've heard a lot of great things from Y/n here. They're such a sweetheart, yeah?" 

Venti nodded. "Y/n is fantastic. I'm happy we're finally meeting. Y/n has told me only good things about you. I have a feeling we'll be great friends. Looking forward to learning more about you.", Venti said, taking a small bow afterwards. 

The rest of the night was pretty great. You and Heizou had an amazing encounter with Bennet and Razor, as well as Noelle that day too, who all seemed to like Heizou. 

(Sorry for this being short lol. I mean, at least I updated? Also, sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been tied up with the holidays and like, I may or may not have not been as into genshin? I still love Heizou and will continue to update here, I just may be slow. I kinda started getting back into MHA (my hero academia) (no im not toxic), so yeah- have a good day/night/etc... 

~With love, Astra <3)

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