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It had been a few hours since you got out of bed with Heizou. You were investigating the area in which the missing girl had last been seen. You were investigating when you noticed a blonde boy who you recognized as the Traveler, Aether. This being solidified by the fact you saw Paimon following him.

"Traveler! Look! It's that weirdo detective! Paimon remembers you saying you wanted to ask him something!"

"Detective Heizou! I had a question for you!" Aether appeared before you both, putting his hand on Heizou's shoulder.

Heizou turned around, giving the blonde a smile. "Oh! Hi, Aether! What was it you needed to ask?"

"I wanted to know if you knew if it was possible to be an immortal being without being an archon or adeptus or something of that sort.....?"

"Ah..... immortal beings huh? I don't think about them all that much..... I'm not very helpful in that area.... I know Y/n spends a lot of time talking with the adepti and archons..."

"That's right! Y/n wasn't well last time I was in Inazuma. Are they feeling any better?"

"Well.... they're missing a lot of memories and seem to be suffering from some odd form of amnesia... They're slowly recovering though. I've taken good care of them, and their health is back to normal, just a ton of missing memories is all."

"Paimon wishes them a fast recovery! All those memories you 2 had together are pretty important...."

"Yeah..... I am making do with I have though. It's just nice to have them in good health once again. I was so worried."

"I bet you were, Shikanoin.... That must've taken a huge toll on you..."

You peered over the corner of the building you were hiding behind. Wondering if the boys were almost finished talking.

"Y/N?! I missed you bro!"

The sudden call of your name from right behind you caused you to jump. You quickly turned around to see the wacky white haired oni of the Arataki gang. "I-Itto! You scared me!"

"Oh! So sorry about that! I was just super excited to see you! Last I heard you were sick. So hopefully you're feeling better! The gang and I missed you a lot, and I was really worried."

"How sweet, Itto. I missed you too!" You had no idea what your relation to Itto was, but you'd hate to upset him.

"Y/n? Y/nnnnn? Where are you?"

A hand grabbed your shoulder, and suddenly kissed your cheek.

"Oh, sup hombre? You're that detective, right? The one who's with my bro here, right?"

"Mhmmmm~ I'm their boyfriend~ Proudly so as well. Always being so obedient~ What a good little sheep they are~" Heizou turned you towards him, kissing you passionately. He was clearly jealous of Itto for some reason. "See~ A good little sheep they are. They're so pure and innocent."

"I'll leave you to it then. There are onikabuto to train anyway!"

Itto walked off and Heizou let you go.

"I'm so sorry...... I was just jealous.... Normally I would've asked consent but I- Look just- I'm sorry-"

"Heizou, don't worry about it. I didn't mind it. You're a good kisser by the way."

"Thank you, Y/n. That's really kind of you. Now, what do you say we head back home now? I need a nap after all that investigation."

You and Heizou walked back home, going and taking a nap together in his room.

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