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For some odd reason, you remember something. A memory from other you. One that seemed happy at first. You and Heizou sat on the grass on Watsutumi Island. Your head leaned on his shoulder and he had his arm around you.

"I love you, Y/N." Heizou kissed the top of your head gently, then smiling happily.

"I love you too. I can't wait for when we can finally get married and have a family together.", you said, as you looked at Heizou.

"Me neither. I'm so happy you could finally come home.... I missed you while you were in Mondstadt. I wish you didn't have to leave for all those years."

"Me too.... I missed so much time with you, Heizou." You sighed, before moving away from the redhead. "I have to go again soon, we really shouldn't be getting so use to being this close again."

"I don't want you to leave though... I get so lonely at home without you....." Heizou looked down, a frown coming to his face. "I hate it when you leave, Y/n. It isn't fair you're never home." Tears came to Heizou's eyes as he talked, and his voice got shakey. He was crying.


"You're meant to be my assistant, but you're never here.... do you realize how goddamn hard it is trying to do everything myself? I get no help at work, no help at home. Every fucking day I wish you were here with me but you aren't. You're never home. I don't even feel like your boyfriend at this point. I never see you and we can't send letters. We never talk anymore. I want your attention but I never get it. I have these terrible reoccurring nightmares, Y/n. And- They're always about losing you. I'm worried sick. It's driving me crazy."

"..... I'm so sorry for making you feel that way- I didn't even realize-" you moved back over to Heizou, and put your arm around your crying boyfriend. "I guess- I guess I was just putting my training with Venti ahead of everything else..... including you..... and so- and so I never thought about how you feel. Heizou, will you please forgive me?"

"Of course I will........just, promise you'll stay. Please, Y/n. I need you. I know I must sound so desperate and I am. So please, stay. I'm so lonely. And I'm so touch starved. I want your attention. I want to feel your warmth. Please, that's all I ask."

"Of course, Heizou. I love you, alright?"

"I love you too, Y/n. Always and forever."

Your eyes opened, you were staring at the ceiling of a room in you and Heizou's house. "Oh good, you're awake. I was so worried about you."

"......H-Heizou....?" You tried to move but something kept you in place.

"Hey hey, relax. If you move around too much, you may hurt yourself. We don't want that.", Heizou sat on the bed, and came into your view. "You passed out and I caught you. You're still a little messed up though, so I tied you up so it can't get worse."

"What happened to me?"

"Well, I caught you, but not until we got home did I realize you got bit by a bug you had an unnatural reaction to.", Heizou stated, moving out of sight. "Now, I'm going to untie you, alright? Don't freak out though." Heizou untied you and you immediately noticed.

"OH MY GOD-" Your arm was completely blue and purple, it glowed slightly. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!"

"It's an allergic reaction.......of some sort......its definitely better now that I've treated it." Heizou wrapped your arm up, kissing it gently afterwards. "There we go~ Hopefully kissing it will make it all better~ Now, how about we take this break as an ability to talk over what you saw."


"The flashback. I know about because I heard you talking about it while you were unconscious. I can explain."

You nodded rapidly. "Please? I'm so confused right now....."

The red head sighed as he leaned forward. "Dear.... I— I know what happened to you.... I didn't tell you because.... I didn't know how you'd react.... Will you hear me out?"


(EDITED: 6/23/24)

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