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"Heizou you......you want to what?"

Heizou sighed, looking away as his cheeks turned pink. "I-I love you, Y/N...."

"Do you need sleep? Are you sure that's true, Heizou....?"

"As much as I do need sleep, I do love you."

"......come on, Heizou, lets get you to bed. I can't imagine how tired you must be."

You dragged Heizou to his room, which was just across from yours.

"Goodnight, Heizou. Sleep well.", you walked over to the door, before you heard Heizou call your name.

"Y/n....... no...... don't leave!", Heizou reached his arms out to you, whilst giving you the puppy eyes. "I wanna cuddle- Please??"

You sighed, before walking away from the door. "Fine." You hesitated for a moment before giving up and just deciding to do what he asked. You climbed into his bed, laying with your back facing him.

"Yay!!!" The redhead wrapped his arms around you, a happy smile replaced the frown that was previously there. "Goodnight, Y/n. I'll see you tomorrow." Heizou gently kissed your cheek, falling asleep soon after. He snored lightly, and his breathing was steady. It was peaceful. And before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.

The next morning, you woke up in an empty bed. "Heizou????" You sat up, gently rubbing your eyes. Before you, was Heizou. He was getting dressed. "What the fuck."

"What?" The shirtless redhead turned to you, a smirk on his face. "This is my room. So obviously, it shouldn't be a problem I'm changing here."

"Yeah okay, but you knew I was here."

"And? I thought we were already together, silly."

"No, we aren't."

"Your face tells me otherwise." Heizou sat on the bed and looked directly into your soul. "You're blushing~ it's even on your ears~! How adorable~" Heizou ruffled your hair, before standing again.
"You should get dressed, hun. We don't wanna be late. You should go get ready."

"Yeah, whatever, cranberry boy." You walked out of his room, going to your own. You took out a nice looking outfit that was convenient for the day's activities.

"You look adorable." Currently, you and Heizou were walking to the station.

"Yeah, whatever. You look nice too I guess."

Heizou's smirk melted into a happy smile. "Thank you, I wasn't expecting such an adorable compliment from you. It does actually mean a lot...."

Your blush deepened as you looked away. "You're welcome...."

Heizou giggled softly, taking your hand in his. "You'd make a lovely partner.... I wonder how much better you'd be as a spouse or as a parent to our babies~"

"I'm not marring you.....~" You giggled as you lightly punched his shoulder, causing him to flinch and let out a small cry.

"Ouch....that hurt....~ it's not appropriate to hit your husband like that....." He was clearly just joking, as a soft giggle came from him.

"Well you aren't my husband. So I have no idea what you mean by that, Detective." You laughed as well, hugging Heizou closer.

(EDITED 6/23/24)

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