2:~CHAPTER 12~

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Your journey back to Inazuma was a long one, and yet you still enjoyed it, after all, as long as you still had Heizou by your side, most things were enjoyable.

Currently, you were an a boat on the way to Inazuma from Liyue. The sun had begun to set in the distance, causing the sky to be beautifully colored with gorgeous pinks, purples, and oranges. It was surreal. You'd seen the sun set a million times, but here, in this moment, with the one you loved most, it felt different. It felt like the universe's way of telling you that this was it. This was where you belong. Here. All of your favorite people were here pretty much.

And, while your friends and family in the real world may miss you, or worry about you, it's okay, because one day, maybe you will come back, just, right now, it felt more important to be here with Heizou. You had established a life here. One far more enjoyable than that of the one you had back in the other world. This was home now. And being sucked into the world of Genshin Impact is the best thing to have ever happened to you.

"You seem to be completely lost in thought, my love." Heizou's beautiful voice reached your ears and cut off your thinking.

"Yeah, I was. I was just thinking about how you're the greatest thing to have happened to me.", you responded.

Heizou gave you soft smile and nodded.
"It's the same for me you know. Honestly, I was kinda lonely before. I had no friends, or any family honestly."

You blushed at Heizou's words. Had he really loved you that much? Well of course. You're an amazing person. Who couldn't love you? For Heizou, it seemed you were the only one who understood him. The only one who could love him. You mean so much to the red-pink haired detective. He wanted you to stay with him forever. If you ever left, who knows how he'd survive. He was never hard to get for you, because in reality, the love he felt for you is his weakness. You were so important to him, that if it meant giving his life to save you, you'd do it. Anything was a good price to pay when it came to your safety.

"When we get home, let's get some food. I didn't dislike the food of Mondstadt or that of Liyue but it'll never top Inazuma's...", Heizou said, yawning afterwards. The small detective laid his head on your shoulder and smiled. "I think I'll just take a nice nap on your shoulder.... I'm a little sleepy...."

"Okay Heizou. Goodnight." A small "night" was all you got out of your husband. Now, you were left to think about everything. None of it made any sense pretty much but that was okay. Because some times, life doesn't make any sense. But you still have Heizou. That was all that mattered. He was here.

(Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways!)

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