First Years: Letters and the Hogwarts Express

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Lisa wasn't surprised at all when she got her Hogwarts letter. She had wished it would be more exciting for her, like it probably was for the muggle borns, but she came from the oldest wizarding family in the world after all so she had been expecting it.

She was surrounded by magic and she kind of hated the fact she had to go to school before she was allowed to wave a wand and do magic things because Lisa had never really needed a wand to do magic things.

She found the whole concept of school absurd. Her cousins had told her about Hogwarts. About how you have to go to lessons and study and write essays and take tests and listen to old people tell you what to do.


If there's anything Lisa hated, it was people telling her what to do. Especially old people because in her experience, they were the most ignorant.

Besides, Lisa didn't think she needed Hogwarts. She was an excellent flyer after all, as proven by that one time she stole her cousin Bambam's broomstick when she was four years old and expertly flew straight at her oldest aunt at top speed—her aunt panicked, thinking she was about to crash into her and spilled the fire whiskey she was holding all over her precious dress robes that she had spent the entire evening bragging about.

These belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange her aunt had been telling anyone that would come within five feet of her, bragging because she was proud of the robes' ancestry. Her wealthy family wouldn't have ever been caught dead in any kind of secondhand robes, unless they were deemed as historical treasures, which in her exclusive dark lord sympathizing pure blood family, anything Bellatrix had owned was priceless so of course those damn robes had been revered.

Her aunt told everyone about them on sight. They were purebloods after all and Lisa's entire family save her one uncle and aunt, Bam's parents, were proud of being purebloods and none of them were subtle about hating muggleborns but none were more fierce about their pure wizard blood than her oldest aunt was.

Lisa loathed it, even as little as four, though she didn't know why. So naturally, Lisa stole her favorite cousin Bambam's brand new broomstick that his parents had gifted him at his birthday party when he had turned eight and flew straight towards her aunt for bragging about owning a death eater's dress robes in retaliation, flying at top speed in order to scare her and swerved up at the last second, cackling all the way as her aunt shrieked in a panic because she thought a four year old Lisa was about to crash into her and hurt her.

Lisa's mother had scolded her afterwards, even going so far as telling her that their house elf wouldn't clean her room that week anymore and that Lisa would have to do everything herself by hand, just like the 'pathetic' muggles would have to but Lisa figured it was worth it. She felt like their house elf needed a break anyway. Lisa was friends with Tink and Lisa thought her mother always made her work too hard so Lisa wasn't upset about getting some of the work off of her back.

Lisa definitely didn't regret scaring her aunt. Especially considering that Bambam came up to her afterwards and told her she better try out for the house quidditch team when she finally comes of age to finally be able to go to Hogwarts.

Lisa always knew what she wanted to be when she grew up after that incident. She was going to play quidditch professionally. She loved flying, it came natural to her and there was no better feeling, no better profession to her than being able to ride a broomstick all day and get paid for it.


Jennie Kim on the other hand, had the shock of her life when she received an invitation letter asking her to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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