First Years: Apart, but Together

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First of all this was supposed to be a double but apparently my moms is coming back from Mexico randomly lol so I gotta deep clean my house even though she still gonna complain lol...TMI I know but I'm known to ramble.

So I don't have time to show the house point standings like I planned to or reply to your comments in previous chapters just yet, but if I get done in time I'll post everything on the next chapter!

I do however have a couple of shoutouts to make.

First, to my authornim bestie and mind soulmate @ sweetlikecherries7 SweetLikeCherries7 , who literally guessed correctly that someone took the Polyjuice potion to become Bellatrix. I'm mind blown, didn't think anyone would get it. But I should have known better, you hacked my mind. So 1000 points rightfully goes to you!

Also, @ShiraiK and @utterlyreader, you guys get your points too because you guessed 2nd and 3rd.

Lastly, shoutout to @Soochi who has literally single handedly held down the Gryffindor house on their own and still stayed in the standings, I know you guys were last but just barely. You were the only one in that house until the last chapter. Don't worry though, someone else has joined your ranks so I'm sure you'll start catching up.


Lisa stirred first. She had slept really good for the most part but at some point as she shifted she realized she had way too much room on the bed when she tossed once and woke up abruptly.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Nini?" Lisa said croakily. The lights were still dim and the stars coming from the ceiling didn't give much light. Lisa rolled out of bed, figuring Jennie was just holed up in a corner reading that book she and Jisoo were fascinated with.

Lisa looked around the massive room, dragging her feet sleepily. She dug into her robe's pockets, wondering if maybe Jennie had borrowed Ryujin and Rosie's invisibility cloak so as not to disturb them with light while she read.

The cloak wasn't in her pocket anymore so she figured that had to be it. She had talked about having it in the office in front of Jennie after all, and Jennie was clever so she probably got curious and borrowed it.

"Nini?" Lisa whispered, trying not to disturb the other girls. Lisa walked slowly around the room, using her hands so as not to trip over Jennie in case she had fallen asleep with the cloak on.

"Nini!" Lisa hissed louder.

Lisa noticed a desk that hadn't been there before and smiled, thinking that must be where Jennie was sitting, fully expecting her to have fallen asleep over the desk.

It's not like it would have been a rare sight sans the invisibility cloak. Jennie studied so much, especially now that finals were coming up that she would be found hunched over her favorite desk in the library and Madam Lee or Lisa would have to wake her up and tell her to go to bed.

"Nini, you didn't even rest." Lisa said disapprovingly, grabbing the back of the chair to gently shake it. "Come back to bed."

The chair moved easily, Lisa had expected Jennie to be weighing it down.

"Oh. Coulda sworn you'd be sitting here."

Lisa was about to move away to look for her some more when she saw a piece of parchment, she picked it up curiously.

Lisa's heart dropped the more she read.

"No, no she can't!" Lisa shouted, no longer worried about keeping quiet. The room must have reacted to her panic because suddenly the night sky turned off and the lights were bright.

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