First Years: Potions and Vows, Mistresses, Wow.

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JLxHP FF House Cup standings thus far.

💛🦡🖤 Hufflepuff: 200 points.

💙🦅🤎 Ravenclaw: 190 points.

💚🐍🤍 Slytherin: 190 points.

♥️🦁💛 Gryffindor: 180 points.

I'm seriously very shocked at how close everyone is, especially because Hufflepuff took the lead super early, and my own house had literally zero points up until last week and they suddenly tied for second. Slytherin was dead last a few days ago.

Gryffindor was being held up by one single person for a while, and Ravenclaw was doing it slow and steady, staying in the running but unable to overtake the Hufflepuffs.

Anyways, carry on my little witches and wizards, win for your house.


Draco rushed down the flights of stairs, feeling the sheen of sweat coat his face.

"Should have summoned a broom like Potter did in that tournament, it's not like Granger could give me detention for flying inside the castle." Draco said in annoyance as he finally made it down the seven flights of stairs and into the entrance hall.

"Fuck's sakes. I think I'm getting old." Draco whined to himself. He didn't remember it being this hard to run down that many stairs before. He'd done it a lot his sixth year when he was messing with that vanishing cabinet to do Voldemort's bidding. He'd had to run a lot and sneak around to not get caught.

He rammed into a body as he rounded the corner in his haste to leave the castle.

"Oh, sorry." Said a dreamy voice from the ground.

Draco extended his hand.

"Why are you saying sorry, I'm the one that just bowled you over." Draco said as he helped pick her up and immediately started brushing the nonexistent dirt off of her shoulders in concern.

"Because I did it on purpose." Luna shrugged nonchalantly with a soft smile on her face.

"You let yourself get tackled on purpose?" Draco asked, looking genuinely confused, wondering if this was some way to keep away a Wrackspurt or something, Luna had mentioned them during Hagger's last birthday party.

He didn't know if they were actually real or not, but after the whole Nargles conversation years ago Draco wouldn't be surprised if Luna was doing yet another odd thing to get rid of creatures no one else really knew about.

"I heard rushed footsteps coming around the corner, I didn't know it was you. I got in your way on purpose because I didn't know if it was someone dangerous or an ally so I didn't want to accidentally jinx someone on our side. Hermione has us watching who comes in and out of the castle." Luna explained simply.

"It would be easier to explain away my staring off into space and accidentally running into someone rather than jinxing them if it was an enemy, we're trying to be covert still because they're probably one of us, I'm sure Hermione's told you.

Besides, I would have hated to have jinxed a friend, so getting tackled in order to stop someone leaving the castle before I verified if they should be allowed seemed like the most sensible choice."

"Oh, yeah, well erm—that's quite smart, I guess." Draco said, though he didn't completely understand it considering he didn't care who he jinxed. It's not like he couldn't just do a counter jinx if it was an ally, but Luna was too thoughtful for that apparently. He supposed the covertness did make a bit of sense though.

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