First Years: Blood of my Blood

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A/N First of all I just want to say I try to stick to Harry Potter lore as much as possible, but I did take some creative license in this chapter at the end, but I tried to keep it as realistic to the magic in the wizarding world as possible. So be gentle with me, kind of had to invent my own ritual lol.


"Well, since we can't drink, how about some chess?" Ron asked Harry once Hermione had left.

"Absolutely not. I'll just lose. Besides, I've got to try and reach Ginny to come back."

"Fine, I'll just play myself then." Ron said pouting, pulling his prized set of wizard chess out that Hermione had gifted him.

Jisoo had been walking around the room in awe, looking at all the titles to the books her headmistress owned. She had to force herself not to steal a few, only because she knew she couldn't put them back and she figured Hermione would immediately miss the fact that her book—A Study Into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter – by Bertrand de Pensées-Profundes.—was suddenly missing.

She was thinking about conning Lisa into taking it for her. Lisa never backed down from a challenge. She figured they could make a bet that Lisa couldn't take it and put it back once Jisoo finished reading it without getting caught.

She knew Lisa would absolutely fall for it and do it. She'd probably succeed too. Jisoo figured Lisa would recruit Ryujin and they would form some half baked plan to make it happen and somehow actually get it done.

Jisoo smirked deviously. Better to get someone else to do the work for her. Jisoo figured she'd probably find a way to do it too but she felt lazy, besides, getting her friend to do the work just gave her even more satisfaction so she she turned around to do just that, to convince Lisa to do it but she stopped short when she noticed the chess set and how a knight had just drawn its sword and destroyed a bishop, spearing it and making the bishop pieces clatter everywhere.

"That's so cool." Jisoo said in awe as she sat across from Ron.

"You play?" Ron asked excitedly.

"Yeah, my mom taught me. I have a really beautiful all black and gold chess set at home but this, wow."

"You've never seen wizard chess?"

Jisoo shook her head no.

"I don't even know why I was shocked that the pieces can move and destroy each other like that when wizard and witch portraits can move." Jisoo admitted.

"You're a muggle born then?" Ron said, finding her awe of the chess set endearing.

"Nah. Dad's a wizard actually. He just thought my mom would divorce him over it so he hid it for years."

Ron laughed, "Reminds me of my old mate, Seamus. Except it was his mom that hid she was a witch." Ron narrowed his eyes at Jisoo. "You don't also have a tendency to randomly blow things up do you? He was notorious for that, singeing his hair on accident and ours along with it all the time."

"Only when necessary." Jisoo shrugged. "I would do it on purpose if I needed to. But no, the one that blows things up on accident is the idiot over there on that couch that can't take her eyes off of her crush." Jisoo answered, pointing towards Lisa who was looking at Jennie in concern and trying to get her to talk to her.

Ron laughed at her answer. "Well, since you don't accidentally blow things up, and you seem to have no ill will towards me yet, I think its safe to ask because I won't find my hair singed any time soon just by being near you. Want to play me?" Ron smirked, motioning towards the chess board.

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