First Years: Letters. Matches. Prophecies?

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Double hopefully coming soon!


Jisoo was bewildered when three regal looking owls landed next to her pumpkin juice with a massive package. She was a little confused because normally she just got simple letters from her parents, and she had literally seen them at the match a week before so she hadn't expected anything.

She opened the letter one of the owls had in its beak.


I thought since I missed almost twelve years of your life, I'd make good on that promise to spoil you rotten. I've also taken the liberty of sending you this silly little parchment with the pureblood lineage. I had to memorize it growing up, so I would know who was pureblood and who wasn't.

That's not why I want you to have it though, I'm just a little proud that I finally managed my own X next to my name. You're clever, I can tell, so I have no doubt you'll find out about me. I went to school with Harry Potter, and unfortunately, all the stories are true. I was a prat, and an idiot and a coward so I did Voldemort's bidding towards the end. Then I ran away, I guess that's where your father got it from.

Those X's are for the people that get struck out from the Pureblood family tree because we're muggle sympathizers and blood traitors.

It took me nearly a decade after I left Hogwarts to get crossed off, but I managed it. I'll explain more in the summer. I fully expect you to spend at least a weekend at the manor, hopefully longer.

I'd love to steal you the whole summer if I could so I can get to know you and you can get to know me and realize I'm not the close minded jerk I used to be. At least not a close minded one, I can still be a jerk when I want to be.The manor is big enough for your mom and my idiot son to come stay too if you miss them, or any of your friends.

I had a pureblood upbringing, and I was a twat. It's quite true witches mature much faster than wizards, because even Pansy Parkinsonshe was an old ex girlfriend of minemanaged to get crossed out before I did!

You didn't know her obviously, but when I tell you I was shocked, it's an understatement because never in my life would I have thought she would accept muggles and muggle borns, and I came across her once and found out she's not even a bully anymore and even apologized to some of our old classmates. Luna confirmed it for me, she got a personal apology.

Anyway, that X might be my proudest achievement. I'm even friends with your headmistress now. She punched me in the face once, our third year. I'm sure by now you know how much I must have pissed her off to make her resort to such violence because she's definitely not the type. I deserved it though, and please don't tell her you know about that because she'd just scold me for it. I can already hear her.

"For Dumbledore's sakes Draco! How could you tell a student I punched you! I'll be setting such a bad example!"

I used to have a bit of a crush on her actually. Well, a pretty big one, because I liked her ever since I met her, she's incredibly smart and resilient and barring that one time she punched me, she put up with a lot of bullying with her head held high and proved us all wrong by just being awesome, by being kinder and smarter than everyone else, but she was muggle born and I was brainwashed and a coward and did I mention I was a twat?

So I lost out to Ron because I never confessed, which is a little embarrassing because he was even more clueless than I was. At least I knew I liked her, that silly idiot didn't realize he was in love with her too until our seventh year.

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