First Years: Sort of Detention and Midnight Matches

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To my midnight snack eating Hufflepuff, this first scene is for you lol. If I had caught you, I wouldn't give you detention lol. So you can be in Ravenclaw in my world even though the tower is far from the kitchens haha. ArtemisZeng


Park Chaeyoung got her first ever detention one day as she snuck down to the kitchens. She hated summoning the house elves, she didn't want to inconvenience them more than she already was by asking them for food so generally she went to them instead when she was craving something, which was often, like at the very least four times a week often so she figured the least she could do was go to them so she didn't make them work so much.

Teddy Lupin caught her. It was after hours and there really was no avoiding the detention.

It was Ryujin's turn with the marauder's map so Rosie had no way of knowing he was rounding the corner at the same time she was and she rammed right into him on accident because the corridor was dark and Rosie hadn't dared light her wand so she could see, just in case.

She might not be a rule breaker in general, but she wasn't stupid and she knew the light would just attract attention. Besides, she'd done this so much she could get to the kitchens with her eyes closed, they were mapped in her head from any direction you put her in.

"Oops." Rosie squeaked, then started blushing when she saw who was in front of her.

She had really thought it might be Ryujin she had run into. Ryujin had a habit of roaming the corridors and exploring the castle at night when she couldn't sleep. This wouldn't have been the first time she had ran into her in the middle of the night.

Once, she ran into Ryujin and her best friend Lisa, who was now Rosie's really good friend too. That was the most recent time. They had been trying to set up a portable swamp outside of Professor Binn's History of Magic classroom because apparently, neither of them had done the essay he assigned that time so their best idea was to sabotage the next day's class so they wouldn't get a failing grade because neither of them had finished their last two essays and they were getting dangerously close to failing the class entirely.

Most professors could get rid of the portable swamp in a second, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes were super popular at Hogwarts obviously, so they were very familiar with the portable swamp, but George had apparently sent Ryujin his new prototype of the new version of it—which now apparently also came with an anti clearing jinx, and crocodiles, who were bewitched to go after any authority figure or anyone who tried to make the swamp go away.

He sent it so she could try it and see how well it worked. Also, because even at his age and despite not attending Hogwarts anymore, he loved wreaking havoc and the fact that his little granddaughter was using his products to continue his and his twin's legacy was a little too satisfying. She really was like a baby Fred in tiny girl form.

Ryujin was usually his first product tester after himself and she was proud of it, she'd been doing it since she was three and the only time she willingly sat down to write something was when she wrote him her reviews of his products to her grandpa Georgie.

She was diligent about it. Before Hogwarts, she used to tell him in person. Now that she was here and away from him, she'd send him a letter by owl with what she liked or what didn't work and even gave him ideas on how to make new things by giving him a wish list. Hence, the crocodile thing. She had once told him she wished there was some way to bug authority figures because she hated being bossed around, even if some of them were cool.

He wrote back that he was working on something else for the authority figure thing, and that the crocodiles were just a teaser for her.

Binns class was canceled for that day, and they couldn't get rid of the swamp for a whole week. Teddy almost had his arm chopped off after Professor Lee Jieun asked if she could do something about the crocodiles so she could figure out a counter charm because anytime she got near the swamp they'd come at her and she couldn't assess the situation.

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