First Years: Sortings and Tryouts

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I would just like for you guys to know this was supposed to be a one shot. Now it's turning to a full blown book. I hate myself lol.


They were being led across the lake to Hogwarts by a giant named Hagger as soon as they got off the Hogwarts express. Lisa had noticed Jennie looked fascinated by him and they both had ended up in the same boat by some stroke of luck as they were magically rowed to the school so she struck up a conversation with him for Jennie's benefit and asked him about his life so she could learn more about him.

Lisa had already known Hagger's story. Part of her pre-hogwarts education that her parents had paid her tutors to teach her regarded any magical people's lives and their ancestry because she was a pureblood and was expected to know who she was and was not allowed to associate with. It was considered unacceptable not to know people's lineage.

Lisa used that education to make sure she would associate with the very people her parents would disapprove of and she had never regretted it since and she was pretty sure she wouldn't ever regret it because anyone that subscribed to the "I'm better than you because I come from the pretty much incestual pureblood magic lineage," was an idiot.  In Lisa's humble opinion.

Lisa immediately took a liking to Hagger. Who she had already known was Grawp's son and unlike Grawp, he had followed under his uncle Hagrid's footsteps and had become gamekeeper for Hogwarts when Hagrid decided to marry Olympe Máxime and "retire" to Beaubaxtons.

He never really retired. Hagrid liked the outside too much so he was pretty much the Beaubaxton's gamekeeper now and Madame Máxime even let him keep dragons and some other nameless questionable creatures as long as they were far away from the school so Hagrid was ecstatic.

"That's a unique name, Hagger." Lisa continued as the giant next to them swam in the lake to keep in time with the boats. He was much too big to be in them without them sinking and although Hermione had offered to give the delivery of the first years duty to someone else besides the gamekeeper so he wouldn't have to swim miles to the school, Hagger declined.

He really liked the swim, even though it was freezing cold every year when school started but since he was a giant he hardly even felt it and he was good friends with the giant squid in the Great Lake so it always swam under him every year when he took the first years to the castle in solidarity.

"Named after uncle." Hagger offered to Lisa.

"Who's your uncle?" Lisa asked, already knowing who Hagger was talking about but asking anyway because she knew Jennie was listening attentively despite looking out into the lake as if she wasn't interested. Lisa could tell by her body language that even though she was looking away she was incredibly attuned to their conversation.

"Uncle Hagrid." Hagger said proudly. "Beat lots of wizards in battle of Hogwarts without magic. Beat even full giants even though uncle only half giant. Hagrid one of Harry Potter best friend. Hagrid." He pointed to the west because that's where France was, where he knew his uncle still lived. "Hagger" He pointed at himself. "Dad Grawp named me after uncle." Hagger finished proudly.

"Wow, you're Hagrid's nephew? That's so cool!" Lisa said. She had already known he was but she was still very much sincere in finding it impressive. Hagrid was a legend right along with their headmistress and her husband and the aurors Ginny and Harry and unfortunately, her aunt Bellatrix was sort of a legend too. Lisa was sure she would have loved her aunt's eccentric nature, if it wasn't for how sadistic she was and the fact she followed goddamn Voldemort religiously.

"Then you must know the whole lot that saved the world Hagger!" Lisa said excitedly. "If Hagrid is your uncle?"

Hagger stopped swimming for a second to nod enthusiastically.

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