First Years: To All the Girls Draco Has Loved Before

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This chapter got away from me and took a swerve lmao.

More Ot4 coming in the next one, editing rn, might get it out today so stay tuned!


Once Jennie came to her senses, and the relief that came from verifying that Lisa and her other friends were still alive and mostly unharmed fully registered, Jennie realized that in her haste to get to her best friend, they had both fallen hard to the ground.

She realized she had been on top of Lisa and practically suffocating her with the force of her hug for a solid minute. She quickly picked herself up, a slight tinge of pink tinting her cheeks.

"I'm sorry for crushing you." Jennie said sheepishly, reaching out and helping Lisa up too. "I was just really scared you wouldn't be okay and then I saw you and you were okay and yeah—sorry." Jennie finished lamely.

Lisa merely smiled and squeezed the hand Jennie had used to help her up.

"You didn't crush me. It was kind of my fault we fell. I ran too hard. Besides, even if you had its totally cool, you're here now and you even brought my favorite flutterby back." Lisa grinned as the black and purple butterfly fluttered around her. It went to Jennie after that. "Of course you like her better." Lisa pouted when the butterfly landed on Jennie. "Can't really blame you though." Lisa mumbled out.

Jennie tried to let go of their intertwined hands but Lisa just squeezed tighter, unwilling to let Jennie go just yet.

"Thank you for coming back Nini." Lisa said honestly. "I thought you would hate me forever for not choosing you." She finished, looking down to the ground sadly and guiltily.

"I could never hate you Lisa. Never think that. I said some things I didn't really mean, but some that I did. I do think we're too different and you'll end up hating me someday." Jennie admitted. "That's the only part I truly meant."

"That's impossible." Lisa said confidently. "I couldn't ever hate you either Nini. I'm so happy you came even though I'd be terrified something could have happened to you for putting yourself in danger too."

Jennie didn't believe that to be true, that Lisa wouldn't eventually resent her. She knew her true nature would eventually push Lisa away. She still hadn't changed her mind about leaving school. As soon as she knew the girls were safe enough she would go.

"I had to come back. I thought you guys were safe before, that's the only reason I let you come up here but then I realized I was wrong. I realized that the psycho lady could probably still kill all of you. I didn't really think clearly and—wait." Jennie stopped abruptly. "I'm so stupid!"

Jennie had been so distracted by Lisa that she forgot about everything she just went through. She needed to tell the headmistress as soon as possible, but before Jennie could speak again she was accosted by a mouthful of silver hair and a crushing hug.

"Thank goodness you're okay. I was so worried about you when I didn't see you out here too when Papa Ronnie fetched me from the room." Rosie murmured into her neck, practically choking her. Rosie was hugging Jennie even more fiercely than Jennie had hugged Lisa a minute ago. "I thought maybe something happened to you again."

Jennie felt another set of arms hug her. She was sure it must be Jisoo. Lisa used the free arm that she wasn't using to hold Jennie's hand and wrapped it around them too, joining in on their group hug.

Jennie let them hug her for a few seconds, feeling the relief that they were all okay wash over her and that she hadn't accidentally gotten her friends killed by not thinking everything through.

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