First Years: Afterlife and Flutterbys

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Jennie had always refused to go down without a fight when there were clearly no other options of escaping. She had learned that it wasn't in her nature to give up when someone was coming at her despite her very real chances of losing. If they hurt her, she'd make them hurt too.

She had known this ever since she was very young. She knew that if someone hit her, Jennie would hit them back ten times harder if she could. It had been the only way to stop the bullies.

For as smart as she knew she was, she felt a little idiotic for not realizing it sooner, she should have known she was a witch. She should have believed Luna as soon as she told her she had magic, considering that she had accidentally caught her biggest bully on fire and almost burnt down the orphanage too.

That hadn't been the only time she had inadvertently accessed her magic, now that Jennie thought about it, but it had definitely been the most gruesome. It had been the time she had done the most damage.

Jennie had been so angry because Jiyong had destroyed the only thing she ever truly owned. The only thing that was hers and hers alone. Jennie couldn't help it. She couldn't keep the rage at bay.

When Jennie was first delivered to the orphanage, she was wrapped up in a black baby blanket that had a purple and golden letter K embroidered on it. She was wearing nothing else apparently. No baby clothes, nothing. Just that blanket.

The matron at her orphanage always said her arrival was very odd, because no matter who they had asked, no one remembered the person that had left her. No one remembered how Jennie got there.

Jennie had asked her once. When she was old enough to understand why she was here and why she didn't have parents and for the first time in her short life, Jennie saw the strict matron as a human being with actual feelings because she had softened and told Jennie she didn't know how she got there. She looked apologetic for not being able to give Jennie any answers.

She told her she didn't know if it had been a man or a woman that left her. She told Jennie that all she knew was that the experience had been very strange because she woke up and suddenly she had a baby Jennie in her arms, wrapped up in that pretty black blanket with the embroidered letter and a note attached to it that simply said Jennie Ruby Jane.

That's all the matron could remember about Jennie's arrival. The rest of the staff couldn't clue her in either. Everyone had been disoriented. No one remembered how Jennie had been dropped off.

All of them were bewildered because there was suddenly a baby named Jennie Ruby Jane in their custody and no one could piece out how she had even gotten there.

Jennie Ruby Jane, no last name.

So like all orphan kids that didn't have a last name, like all the kids who didn't know where they came from or who their family was, Jennie was given the surname Kim.

The matron told Jennie it was fitting, considering the blanket. Jennie had always wondered what that K meant. She wondered if it had something to do with her real family. Despite them abandoning her, Jennie was incredibly attached to that blanket, only because it was the closest thing to her true identity.

She was naive back then. She had hope that maybe her parents had loved her after all and this whole thing had been a mistake and that they wanted her back so that baby blanket was incredibly precious to her.

So when that idiot Jiyong started laughing at her for sleeping with her baby blanket still, at five years old, and snatched it from her and called her a baby, Jennie lost her temper.

She rushed him. He was bigger and faster than her so he dodged her easily. He was twelve, and Jennie was only five so of course she had no chance. Jiyong had a lighter, Jennie didn't know where he could have gotten it from, but she watched as he used it to set her blanket on fire.

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