First Years: Prefect Bathrooms, Presents, and Pygmy's

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Double coming a lil late, my bad! Looking forward to the comments on this one 🥰


Jisoo led the way out of Hermione's office and Lisa absentmindedly followed. Jennie was a little out of it, thinking about what that prophecy might mean.

"She's as cool as I thought she would be." Lisa said in admiration.

To her, anyone who her father talked shit about was great in her book, and her father had complained about Hermione Granger even more than the guy that killed his precious dark lord, even more than Harry Potter.

"Cooler actually, I thought she'd be stricter." Lisa said honestly.

"She's dope. They say never meet your heroes but she definitely breaks that stereotype because she totally lives up to the legend." Jisoo agreed.

She knew Hermione was fair and now that she's officially met her twice she knew Hermione was more of a rewarding good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior type, though she obviously would do it if necessary, she wasn't a pushover and Jisoo really liked all of that about her. Not to mention she was clever as hell. Jisoo paused in the corridor and turned to look at the other two before she asked.

"How hungry are you guys?"

Jennie shrugged. She had moods. Sometimes she'd forget to eat completely when she was too immersed in something, like a new book or revenge on Jay or quidditch, and right now, on that prophecy.

"Why?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Because, would you guys rather go eat dinner, or go have fun in the prefect's and quidditch captain's bathroom that's pretty much a whole pool? It's honestly more pool than bathtub." Jisoo said smirking.

"Dude, pool, for sure. Tink sent me a bunch of healthy snacks as part of my birthday gift anyway because she thinks I don't eat enough or well enough so I'm cool. I can eat those later if I get hungry." Lisa shrugged. "You can have some if you want." Lisa told Jennie now. "She sent me a lot. Like, a looooot."

Lisa didn't want Jennie to choose dinner instead of coming with them. They hadn't eaten since breakfast after all, they had been too busy playing at the quidditch pitch and though the girl was tiny and probably didn't eat a lot, Lisa figured she was probably starving.

"I'm okay Lisa. Thank you." Jennie said, smiling at Lisa at her thoughtfulness.

"Oh." Lisa deflated, figuring Jennie would rather go to the great hall to eat dinner instead of with them. She didn't argue, she didn't want Jennie to starve after all, as much as she wanted to keep hanging out with her. "Okay."

"I'll come with you guys." Jennie said a little timidly, still not very used to having friends yet and that people would want her around. "I'm done with my homework and I don't think I'm really hungry anyway. I had a big breakfast." Jennie said as they kept walking. "I ate a lot more than I usually do this morning because I accidentally skipped dinner last night, I lost track of time and stayed at the library."

Lisa perked up, grinning now that she knew Jennie was coming too. She almost started skipping after that as they followed Jisoo to the fifth floor.

Lisa was privileged, her parents' manor was huge. It was almost as big as Hogwarts castle was, so they had a huge pool. She loved the water. She was impressed by the prefect's bathroom but its nothing she hadn't seen before so rather than looking around herself, she opted for watching Jennie's reaction instead when Jisoo started showing them all the differently sized and colored bubbles and the different colored foams as she opened all of the individual taps.

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