First Years: Family

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This will be a double hopefully, next chapter coming within the hour!


Rosie didn't even let Jisoo change out of her quidditch robes as she led her to the headmistress' office. This was too important. She felt a little bad for it, considering Jisoo had played her heart out.

They ultimately lost to Gryffindor, the chasers were just too good and now that Jisoo had three targets, instead of just Yongsun, she just couldn't keep up, as good as she was. Though she single handedly was the reason Gryffindor didn't completely cream the Ravenclaw team.

Rosie knew Jisoo's arms were bound to be incredibly sore tomorrow with how much she had swung that bludger's bat at them. She was everywhere that entire match, she was just a blue blur zipping around sending bludgers everywhere.

She had wanted to congratulate her for one particular bludger that she had managed to send, making Jackson and Moonbyul both scatter at a really important moment in the game.

Lisa had come up with a play to hide the quaffle. They'd gotten the signal from their seeker that they spotted the snitch to end the match so they had executed the move. To everyone, it looked like Lisa had the quaffle but Jisoo had seen it and ruined their plans so the Gryffindor seeker had to bide their time and not catch the snitch just yet.

Rosie had been planning to gush about all the amazing plays Jisoo had made, but instead she found herself in front of a stone gargoyle, still holding Jisoo's hand.

"Insufferable know-it-all," Rosie told the gargoyle. Despite the seriousness of the situation, she still giggled to herself that Hermione had chosen that as the master password. She knew the story, Ron had called her that in their first year so she used it to make him feel guilty about how much of a jerk he was when he was younger. Hermione and Rosie always laughed about it.

That password was only to be used for emergencies. The regular password always changed, just like the house dormitories but Hermione had created a master one should Rosie or any of the staff need to summon her quickly.

She knew her grandmother must still be in the quidditch pitch. Despite not being a sports person, she was still the headmistress and she was nothing if not fair so she always attended them, no matter what house was playing.

Rosie knew that specific password would alert her though. Hermione had placed a spell to send her a signal anytime that password was used and Rosie knew she'd be here in no time.

Jisoo looked at her in confusion and then watched the gargoyle jump aside, a winding staircase appearing for them.

"Whoa." Jisoo said in awe.

"Come on." Rosie said, leading her up the staircase.

They were still holding hands.

"Whoaaaa." Jisoo said again when they got to the top of the stairs and she took in the room. She was a Ravenclaw, a deviant one, but still a Ravenclaw nonetheless so she valued knowledge, and the amount of books in the room could rival the massive Hogwarts library despite the room being way smaller.

Jisoo figured there had to be some kind of charm to fit this many books in here because when she got close to them there were titles upon more titles revealed to her.

There were intricate moving diagrams neatly pinned everywhere on the walls, all arranged by subject. There were even muggle diagrams too, and Jisoo admired every single one as she took in the main room of the office. There was a random Chudley Canons quidditch flag pinned to a door in the side of the office too and Jisoo found that amusing because she was pretty sure the headmistress didn't seem the type to follow quidditch.

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