First Years: Classes and Broken Glasses

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Jennie and Lisa became sort of friends after running into each other at Hagger's hut that first time. despite Lisa questioning her for being in Slytherin and Jennie not fully trusting her for being a pureblood.

They would both often sneak out to see Hagger on the same nights and inadvertently meet each other because they both had a knack for going to him at the same time.

Lisa would always greet Jennie in the corridors when they ran into each other and Jennie would send her a shy smile, or Lisa would wave to her from the Gryffindor table when they had breakfast and Jennie would duck her head a bit because it always made her blush but she would always send a small wave back.

Not to mention the fact they had potions together. So despite Lisa sitting with Ryujin and Jennie sitting with Irene, their desks were next to each other and Jennie couldn't help the giggles that escaped her sometimes when Lisa struggled, which was ninety nine percent of the time.

Even though Jennie was technically laughing at her because she was awful at potions, Jennie was single handedly the reason why she ever even turned in a potion, because sometimes she would catch Lisa before she put in a wrong ingredient, or would murmur to her about the proper way to cut something, or remind her when to turn the heat up.

Lisa was very good at magic. She was great in all of her active classes. She didn't even have to brag, it was just facts. She was great at Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, she knew she was one of the top students. She was definitely the best in her house in those subjects. She sucked at History of Magic because she had the attention span of a Niffler, she could see something shiny and get distracted and more often than not her face met the table at some point during the lesson and she'd fall asleep.

Ryujin would have to wake her up when the lesson was over, or the times she actually managed to stay awake she would end up doodling and carving over the desk. There was now an intricate depiction of the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor match in the very back table where Ryujin and Lisa always sat at.

Ryujin always teased her considering they lost but Lisa shrugged it off because Jennie had flown perfectly and she would always admire talent.

So despite barely passing History of Magic because more often than not she would turn in her essays half done, she was pretty solid overall. If it wasn't for Potions.

Lisa was really, really awful at Potions. Like she shouldn't even be near a cauldron or something might explode, awful.

Jessi, Hogwarts' main healer, was also the potions master and the Slytherin head of house. Professor Bae Suzy and Professor Lee Jieun were both healers too so they all took shifts in the hospital wing.

Jessi, who like Luna, insisted they call her by her first name, so it was always Professor Jessi to them, would often playfully smack the back of Lisa's head and rolled her eyes at her when Lisa would make something explode, more often than not causing such a mess and dousing herself and poor Ryujin in whatever sketchy potion she had accidentally made.

They both got covered in boils once because of the potion Lisa was assigned to make that was supposed to do the exact opposite, it was a potion to cure boils so of course Lisa managed to mess it up and do the opposite of what she intended.

Lisa was the entire reason Jessi kept most of her healing potions in the supply cupboard too, so she didn't have to make the trek with them to the hospital wing because it was inevitable that Lisa or Ryujin would get hurt during every class and at that rate the Gryffindors and the Slytherins wouldn't have had supervision the entire year because Jessi would have been too busy curing them.

The Gryffindors had double potions with the Slytherins that year. They were currently making a forgetfulness potion and of course, twenty minutes in, Lisa had accidentally caught Ryujin on fire.

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