First Years: Genius and Intuition

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This was supposed to be out yesterday but I passed out editing cus I made it too long. Story of my life, *sigh*


Jisoo unceremoniously got right in front of Jennie's face and started patting Jennie's head gently, looking for bumps and Lisa thought that was actually a very good idea, still concerned Jennie might have been hurt so she started doing it too, helping Jisoo look for any head injuries.

Jennie scowled. She probably looked like a damn monkey getting petted right now.

"I didn't hit my head Jisoo. Well, I probably did at some point but I don't think that's it." Jennie pleaded. "I'm not crazy or delusional. I can't rule out being under some sort of spell or something of course, or the potion.

I'm not sure. I need to tell the headmistress what happened to me so they can figure it out because I fully think what I remember is the truth. They need to know so they can decide if it is or not."

Jisoo still looked at Jennie dubiously.

"Of course you have to tell her, we just wanted to make sure you're okay first Nini." Lisa said, still patting her head.

Jisoo had finished her inspection already. Jennie didn't know why she was letting Lisa still do it. Anyone else and she would have shoved them off and proceeded to punch them for practically treating her like an animal in a petting zoo right now.

"Seriously, because what you said about you dying and coming back to life is a little out there Jennie. Maybe skip that part when you tell her what happened.

You tell that part to the headmistress and they might ship you off to St. Mungo's to live in the permanent resident's ward right along with old Gilderoy, the sanest person of his generation." Jisoo said, obviously being sarcastic about Gilderoy being sane but she was very much serious about thinking they might send Jennie there.

"Guys, I don't know how it could be possible that Jennie actually died and is still here any more than you guys, but it feels like she's telling the truth. She truly believes it happened." Rosie spoke up because she could just feel the waves coming from Jennie, the desperation for them to believe her. "Who knows, maybe it is true. It happened to uncle Harry."

Rosie looked over to her grandmother. All of the adults, including several new professors that had just arrived after being summoned were talking urgently because Jay was missing. Now that the chaos of what Jisoo had jokingly called the Battle of the Grandaddies was over, because Ron and Draco had faced off, they realized he wasn't on that couch under Hermione's sleeping spell anymore.

They could hear their murmurs about how the castle seemed to be safe for the time being. Everyone was accounted for besides Jay. Jieun, Suzy, Hagger and the rest of the professors had personally made a head count and Hagger had sent word that nothing was awry on the grounds or in the forest.

Rosie had a bad feeling though. She felt that same gut wrenching feeling she had when this had all started. The feeling that told her to trust her intuition.

Jennie timidly started walking towards the adults and tried calling out to Hermione.

"Profe—" Jennie didn't get to finish because Rosie snuck up behind her and slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Not here." Rosie whispered.

Jennie was going to protest, it seemed very important that she told Hermione everything already but the dead seriousness by which Rosie was looking at her right now made her pause, and she slightly nodded. Rosie drew her hand back.

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