The Pain and Insecurity of a Chosen One, or Ones?

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It was almost a double 😅✌🏽


Rosie knew Lisa hadn't meant for anyone to hear her, especially not Rosie. She knew Lisa's soft curses towards her family and herself weren't meant to be said out loud.

Lisa had only been last in joining in on that hug because she had felt a bit conflicted, not knowing if she was allowed to hug her or not considering someone in her family was the one that had murdered Rosie's dad.

Lisa hadn't meant to say what she was thinking but she couldn't help it, she didn't realize she was vocalizing it for the others to hear because she was so strapped with guilt again.

Because here was yet another reason for Lisa to hate her family, because her shitty uncle had killed one of her closest friend's dad.

A good dad, a dad Rosie had adored. Lisa's father was awful, Jay's father was awful. Lisa really didn't know who was worse out of the two if she was honest with herself and they were still alive, they got to be alive to do their awful things while Rosie's caring dad was the one dead. How was that fair.

This was like Leo all over again and Lisa was at a loss. Why couldn't anyone stop her shitty family from killing innocent, kind people. She was tired of it. She was sick of it. She felt helpless.

She couldn't save Leo. She had tried and failed to get justice for his mom and in the end he died because of it and she felt helpless to help Rosie too. She wished she could at least put the bastard away in Azkaban for her.

She felt sick at the fact that instead she was going to have to go home in the summer and occasionally look into the eyes of the man that murdered her sweetest friend's dad and she could literally do nothing about it. She wondered if her own dad had helped him do it, like her uncle had helped her dad torture Leo's mom so much she ended up dead.

She felt like throwing up at the thought. She wondered if this was how Jennie felt thinking she had tried to kill Rosie. But Jennie hadn't done it on purpose. Lisa's family had. They meant to do it and had no remorse over their kills. Her father was a killer. Her uncle was a killer.

She deluded herself into thinking that they had just gone overboard with Leo's mom. It was still despicable that they tortured her, she loathed them for it. But she really had thought that maybe since the woman had been a muggle she ended up dying after one cruciatus curse and that maybe it had been an accident but she knew better now.

They had probably tortured her to death on purpose. Who knew how long she was under their spells until she succumbed to it. She had felt disgusted before, now the disgust and guilt was beyond control.

Rosie could feel that guilt radiating from Lisa. As if it had been her that had done it. It was as intense as the guilt Jennie had felt when she found out she had almost stabbed Rosie.

Rosie wanted to reassure Lisa, to tell her what she told Jennie, that it didn't matter who their families where. That their guilt and disgust belonged to their families, not them, and that it didn't matter where they came from because Rosie loved them all the same and didn't blame them but she couldn't because this was the first time in years that she had said what happened out loud and the grief was crippling her.

"We have to take that memory out of her." Jieun whispered to Jessi. "It still seems pretty intact. That was a lot of detail she just gave so maybe she was just too young at the time and she couldn't make sense of it so they couldn't extract it.

Hermione would have tried already. Maybe she quit trying because Rosie hadn't accepted it yet or the trauma of it all was too much. I've never seen Rosie lose it like that. She actually cursed. In front of us no less. Maybe now she's ready and her mind won't fight it like I assume it probably did before."

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