FIrst Years: Friends

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Jennie always kept to herself.

She had no friends, except one and a half.

Irene was her half friend. She was the girl she sat with in most of her classes. She had never judged Jennie for being a Mudblood and was the only one who deigned to be associated with her. They had a sort of friendship. They sat together and sometimes talked, usually about school or assignments though, nothing deep.

Though Irene had congratulated her after the quidditch match they won against Gryffindor, and she had even noticed something was off about Jennie afterwards, despite her winning and Kangjoon bragging about her and the rest of the Slytherins celebrating her for once. Irene had noticed immediately that Jennie looked troubled, so she asked if she was okay.

Irene was a little too similar to Jennie though, so when she realized Jennie didn't want to talk about it, she shrugged it off because if it had been her she would have wanted Jennie to drop it too. So she offered Jennie a butterbeer and they spent the rest of the Slytherin celebration in a corner of the Slytherin common room, sipping their butterbeers and ignoring the rest of the rowdy Slytherins. Shooting each other knowing looks when they both disapproved of someone.

Irene and Jennie were like that, they mostly communicated with looks as they judged the shitty people around them. They were both introverts, and they both hated people. The only people they didn't hate, was each other, and that was an unspoken agreement.

Jennie's other friend, her whole friend, was Hagger. He was Jennie's best friend.

Jennie had always wanted to talk to the giant, after her first encounter with him, but she hadn't had an opportunity to until the Christmas holidays.

Jennie of course, hadn't gone back to the orphanage for the break so she found herself eating Christmas dinner with an assortment of people.

The Headmistress and her husband Ron. The famed Harry Potter and her Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Ginny Weasley were there too. Professor Lupin and his wife Victoire.

Park Chaeyoung, who went by Rosie—Jennie didn't get why she would have stayed because she seemed like a girl with a good family. She was too sweet not to have cool parents and Jennie had witnessed her be too kind to everyone around her so she figured she'd want to go home to visit her family, yet she was there.

A cool girl named Kim Jisoo, who Jennie reluctantly admired because she didn't tolerate bullshit, just like Jennie didn't.

Bambam, the Slytherin chaser, and none other than Lisa Manoban. Which Jennie found most surprising of all to have stayed at Hogwarts during Christmas break because by now she knew she came from the wealthiest, most powerful wizard family so the fact she, nor Bambam had gone home was wild to her.

Jennie didn't speak much, but she observed everything, like she usually did.

She almost giggled when Bambam and Lisa started a subtle food fight, right in front of their headmistress, who eventually caught them and told them if they kept it up they'd be on house elf duty for a week for making unnecessary messes and wasting food.

Bambam and Lisa both nodded sheepishly and quit their little fight, though it did not go unnoticed by Jennie how Lisa kept sending subtle jinxes towards Bambam under the table, smirking the entire time.

Jennie kept getting pulled into Rosie's conversation with the headmistress' husband, because Rosie made it a point to tell him how everyone at the table were quidditch players and how Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie had made history with her by all making the team as first years together and the red headed man kept asking them things about their first matches and how practice was going.

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