First Years: Break-Ups

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Ginny came to Hogwarts as soon as Harry had contacted her. He hadn't given her much, just that it was urgent and that there was a potion involved. He said it was an emergency and told her Hermione wanted her to use the ministry portal into Hogwarts so she could get there quicker.

So Ginny apparated to the ministry and used the floo network straight into Hermione's office rather than going to Hogsmeade and making the trek.

She expected them to be pacing or there to be some kind of war room where everyone was planning to figure out how to fix whatever the emergency was or there to be some kind of chaos happening where the students might be in danger.

What she found instead was her brother and her husband passed out on the floor next to a couple bottles of firewhiskey.

"Idiots." Ginny rolled her eyes, facepalming . "I thought this was supposed to be an emergency."

Ginny ignored her husband, a little annoyed with him because he had really scared her. She thought this might even be about the prophecy but clearly they were just wasted and she had gotten the wizard version of a drunk dial. So she went straight to her brother first instead.

"Hermione's going to kill you little Ronny." Ginny said, because she could smell the firewhiskey on him from a foot away. She went to a get a pitcher of water and unceremoniously poured it over her brother's face.

Ron woke with a start, looking like a red headed wet dog as he looked around and wiped his face.

"Bloody hell Ginny! What was that for?" Ron said as he got his bearings together and he realized he was on the floor.

"Trying to sober you up before Hermione comes in here and kicks your ass. It's too late for Harry." Ginny scowled towards her passed out husband. "He's already in massive trouble. You however might still have a chance. Doubtful, you reek of firewhiskey."

Ron was very confused. He didn't remember drinking.

Ginny finally turned to her husband and used her foot to nudge him. He wouldn't wake up. She grabbed another pitcher of water and poured it all over him too, making sure to really get him. All to no avail.

"Harry wake up! You could at least have the decency to face me after cutting my vacation short with our daughter, your niece and your best friend!"

Harry didn't budge.

"Harry!" Ginny said, nudging him with her foot again more impatiently. "Useless." Ginny sighed and then turned to her brother. "You're the drinker, do you know if I can give him a pepperup potion to clear this insane hangover he's going to have?

Actually, never mind, I'll let him suffer. I'll be going back to my vacation now. Tell Hermione we're moving to the next spot when she's done scolding you two idiots for bringing us back."

"Blimey." Ron said, staring at the ground. "I can't believe he drank that much that he won't even wake up." Ron stopped short, a vague memory rushing back. "Wait. Wait Ginny, it wasn't Harry. Don't leave yet. It wasn't Harry."

"What?" Ginny asked in annoyance and confusion because clearly it was Harry, who else would have helped Ron drink that much, she could smell it from them both.

"Oh no, wait. This is my fault!" Ron said, coming to his senses somewhat. He was still very much disoriented.

"Clearly." Ginny said dryly. "You always get wasted when we're away. Which would be fine if you let us have our own uninterrupted fun too but there's always something with you two."

"No, wait Ginny. Not that. He's not drunk. It's a stunning spell. I stunned him!"

"What are you on about Ron?" Ginny said frustratedly. "Please don't tell me you've reduced yourselves to drinking and dueling each other when you're bored."

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