First Years: Curses

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A/N @hshshshebeeb here. Don't murder me when you break into my house. You still might, but if you do at least do it in my sleep 🙃


Lisa, Ryujin, and Jisoo met in the seventh floor corridor next to the statue of Fred Weasley, since that corridor was the halfway point between the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tower, though they probably would have met there anyway even if it wasn't because Ryujin felt a special affinity to the uncle she never got the chance to meet so that was usually hers and Lisa's rendezvous spot if they ever got separated while they were being mischievous.

Jisoo had beat them there and almost jumped out of her skin when Ryujin and Lisa appeared out of nowhere, but she managed to keep her cool so the girls didn't notice her shock at seeing them suddenly appear before her eyes.

"The hell?" was all Jisoo said as she saw them.

"Harry Potter's old invisibility cloak." Lisa smirked at her in answer. "I really thought we were gonna scare you though." Lisa said, pouting a bit at the missed opportunity to mess with Jisoo. "Maybe we should have made a loud noise when we came out to really fuck with you."

Jisoo ignored the comment as she went to inspect the silky cloak.

"This is so sweet." Jisoo said in awe as Ryujin showed it to her. "I read about the cloak but it seemed too good to be true. Seulgi told me about it. She's obsessed with the Tales of Beedle the Bard because they always read them for them at their wizard orphanage. She said it was legendary and that it still existed but I seriously didn't believe her. Is this really the original? I know they've tried replicating invisibility cloaks but none of them work for long."

"Absolutely it's the original!" Ryujin affirmed. "Uncle Harry could never part with it, he hands it down to all the family when he doesn't need it for special auror missions."

"The things you could do with this cloak. There's no way we can get caught." Jisoo reasoned. "I already made a plan of how we can get to Binns' office without running into anybody but that seems a little unnecessary now. As long as we go through the absent corridors while hiding in the cloak we're good. I'll tell you guys the route. It's a little long though. Might take us all night."

"Not necessary. The cloak can hide us while we make it to Binns' office, but there's also another thing we can use, we can take some shortcuts with its guidance but you have to swear you won't tell anyone about it." Ryujin told Jisoo sternly.

Jisoo shrugged. "I'm no Mrs. Norris. I don't snitch. What is it?" Jisoo asked curiously, she had mapped out in her mind the whole direction from their spot to Binns' office in just a few hours so she wasn't sure what shortcuts Ryujin was talking about.

Lisa laughed at the mention of Mrs. Norris. "Why do you hate that cat so much?" Lisa asked Jisoo. "She's cool, and super cute. I love cats." Lisa finished dreamily.

"She's not a cat, and I don't like snitches." Jisoo answered immediately.

"Dude are you on something? Did someone set a confundus charm on you? What do you mean she's not a cat? She has four legs and these cute little markings. I swear Leo is into her, and—" Lisa started ranting but Ryujin shushed her.

"Under the cloak!" Ryujin hissed as she threw it over them quickly. She had pulled out the map to show Jisoo what she meant by the other item they could use and as soon as she opened it to prove where they were at because Jisoo would believe her that way the most, she noticed a dot coming their way.

They got under it and watched as a humming Professor Bella walked the corridor right in front of them. They stayed behind the cloak until she rounded the corner.

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