First Years: Avada Kedavra

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Come on come on please. Please come through. Jisoo pleaded in her mind as she gripped the small object in her pocket that she had been holding just as hard as she was holding Rosie.

Please, we need your help. I want to help but I can't leave Rosie. Jisoo thought desperately. She really wanted to go fight, but she couldn't risk it. She'd been holding Rosie back the entire time, consoling her and making sure she didn't leave the room.

Rosie was powerful in so many ways. More powerful than herself in her opinion, but she was also way too kind. She would never make it in a duel. She figured the only person she could ever beat was Felix, and that was only because Felix would just agree to a truce with her so he didn't have to hurt her either.

Even Jay Park would beat Rosie in a duel, and that was saying a lot, since he was pretty awful at magic and really slow. Jisoo only thought he'd win over Rosie because he was vindictive and he wouldn't care about what he could do to win and even as shitty of a person as he was, she knew Rosie would still empathize for him and just passively duel. She would never be on the offensive.

Jisoo couldn't possibly let her go out there, despite it being her family in trouble right now.


Hermione and Jessi were currently covered in a sheen of sweat, fighting for their lives.

Jessi had gone to the shrieking shack and Hermione had enlisted the help of Teddy to scour the forbidden forest. Even when he wasn't in werewolf form, he still had some of his werewolf instincts so he was a great tracker. He was great at spotting if someone other than the centaurs or Hagger had been through the part of the forest that didn't belong to the centaurs.

Hermione had Celeste come with her to talk to the centaurs. It took entirely too long to convince them, but they finally agreed to help too. They were still very haughty and refused to involve themselves 'in the affairs of mere wizards.'

But Hermione won them over because she pointed out that it wasn't just the affair of wizards. Someone might be in their rightful territory again, defiling it just like Voldemort had when he had half of an existence and that all she wanted was to bring them back if there was actually someone there.

"All you have to do is look. You just have to use your instincts to see if someone's trespassed in the areas we're not allowed into." Hermione pleaded.

She didn't get a response, but she knew they would check. Celeste went with them.

Hermione left the forest eventually, leaving them to it.

"Find anything?" Hermione asked Jessi. Who had been the one to check the shrieking shack and the great lake for good measure.

"Not a trace. I even checked for any previous magic done in the shack and the last trace was probably from some of the older students sneaking in there for a drink last night. All of the spells it seemed like they used were something a drunk seventh year would use to prank their best friend or to light up the shack."

"They must have gone then." Hermione sighed. "It should be a relief but I'm most definitely not relieved."

"Me neither."

"What were they planning exactly, attacking and manipulating several students?" Hermione thought out loud. "It's too sinister. This definitely isn't the end of it."

"No. It's definitely not." Jessi said, shoving Hermione aside, narrowly missing a curse sent from Jieun.

Hermione had been too busy looking at the ground contemplating to notice Jieun and Suzy had left their posts.

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